没事写着玩2009-02-19 05:38:04

Are those your eyes
Is that your smile
Ive been looking at you forever
Yet I never saw you before
Are these your hands holding mine
Now I wonder how I could have been so blind
And for the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time Im seeing who you are
I cant believe how much I see
When youre looking back at me
Now I understand what love is, love is
For the first time

Can this be real
Can this be true
Am I the person I was this morning
And are you the same you
Its all so strange
How can it be
All along this love was right in front of me
And for the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time Im seeing who you are
I cant believe how much I see
When youre looking back at me
Now I understand what love is, love is
For the first time

Such a long time ago I had given up
On finding this emotion ever again
But youre here with me now
Yes I found you somehow
And Ive never been so sure
And for the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time Im seeing who you are
Cant believe how much I see
When youre looking back at me
Now I understand what love is, love is
For the first time
For the first time

  • 【听歌看电影】:“THERE YOU'LL BE”/《Pearl Harbor》
  • 【听歌看电影】:“My Heart Will Go On”/《TITANIC》
  • 不是我不小心 - 想起了“张镐哲”
  • 【听歌看电影】:“画心”/《画皮》
  • 【听歌看电影】:“当爱己成往事”/《霸王别姬》
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