没事写着玩2009-03-02 04:56:41

夏洛特的网 Charlotte's Web
导演: Gary Winick(盖瑞·温尼克)
主演: John Cleese(约翰·克莱斯) / Steve Buscemi(斯蒂夫·巴斯米) / Julia Roberts(朱莉娅·罗伯茨) / Robert Redford(罗伯特·雷德福)
上映年度: 2006年11月20日
语言: 英语
制片国家/地区: 美国

剧情简介 · · · · · ·  
 小女孩阿芬家的母猪在春天生下了一窝11只小猪,母猪只有十个奶头,最瘦弱的一只小猪没奶吃,阿芬爸爸准备将其杀掉。阿芬救下了小猪,帮它取名韦宝,亲自喂养。  随着小猪慢慢长大,阿芬不能再在家里养韦宝了,阿芬只好把韦宝送到隔壁舅舅的农场里继续饲养。韦宝天真烂漫,很快就以其热情、开朗的性格和农场里的动物成了好朋友。  幸福快乐的时光很快过去,韦宝从其他动物口中得知春天出生的小猪圣诞节前就会被杀掉制熏肉。韦宝的好朋友蜘蛛莎莉承诺会让韦宝看到冬天的雪。在老鼠的帮助下,莎莉织出了各种各样神奇的字来形容韦宝,引来人们争相观看,韦宝最终能否看到冬天的雪?

Movie trailer:

Song lyrics

It’s not that unusual
When everything is beautiful.
It’s just another ordinary miracle today.

The sky knows when its time to snow,
Don’t need to teach a seed to grow.
It’s just another ordinary miracle today.

Life is like a gift they say
Wrapped up for you everyday;
Open up and find a way
To give some of your own.

Isn’t it remarkable?
Like every time a rain drop falls,
It’s just another ordinary miracle today.

Birds in winter have their fling
But always make it home by spring.
It’s just another ordinary miracle today.

When you wake up everyday
Please don’t throw your dreams away;
Hold them close to your heart
Cause we’re all a part
Of the ordinary miracle.
Ordinary miracle

Do you want to see a miracle?
ohh ohh ohh, ohhh ohh ohh...

It seems so exceptional
That things just work out after all.
It’s just another ordinary miracle today.

Sun comes up and shines so bright
And disappears again at night.
It’s just another ordinary miracle today.
ohh ohh ohh, ohh ohhh ohh...
It’s just another ordinary miracle today.

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  • 没事写着玩2009-03-02 04:59:46
    祝朋友们新的一周快乐,everyday is beautiful!
    pingy_s2009-03-02 05:02:44
    枫叶如丹2009-03-02 16:43:35
    operastudent2011-06-29 02:32:20
    回复:祝朋友们新的一周快乐,everyday is beautiful!