俺是新来的2004-05-30 01:40:13
As Tears Go By

Marianne Faithfull

It is the evening of the day,
I sit and watch the children play.
Smiling faces I can see
But not for me,
I sit and watch as tears go by.

My riches can't buy everything,
I want to hear the children sing.
All I hear is the sound
Of rain falling on the ground,
I sit and watch as tears go by.

It is the evening of the day,
I sit and watch the children play.
Doing things I used to do
They think are new,
I sit and watch as tears go by.

Hmm, hmm, hmm,...

blindevil2004-05-30 02:31:09
回复:老歌: As Tears Go By
影云2004-05-30 03:53:56
予白2004-05-30 19:34:56