DUMARTINI2009-05-30 23:30:15

MUSIMAX (法语音乐台)经常购买这些精彩的艺人音乐及生平介绍来播出,真是棒!

今天看完NBA西部决赛第六场(多么BORING的比赛又毫无悬念,同冰球赛之精+快+狠+残酷绝没有可比性),转台跑去MUSIMAX,刚好看到那儿有个短记录片采访George Michael及他的合作者,媒体等人,谈他90年代遇到的那些倒霉事儿。。关于同SONY公司的合同纠纷,关于性取向,关于母亲之死,关于L.A.丑闻等等。。。因是自己十分喜欢的歌手,特别留心听他介绍当时心态。听到他说----低潮和歧途中没放弃,听他说从所有这些曲折的人生中汲取了经验和教训,(很有感触的说!)才有2008年的北美巡唱,特别是6月圣迪亚戈体育场内首场演唱会的极大成功,从而标志他的音乐生涯延续到一个新的时期,也证明歌迷并没有抛弃他。。。祝贺你,当然希望你从自己从事的事业中获得高兴和满足!!!



George Michael确是一位很好的歌手,声线感性而富磁性,真是充满了魅力。


1.You Have Been Loved

(George Michael And David Austin)

She takes the back road and the lane

Past the school that has not changed

In all this time

She thinks of when the boy was young

All the battles she had won

Just to give him life

That man

She loved that man

For all his life

But now we meet to take him flowers

And only god knows why

For what's the use in pressing palms

When children fade in mother's arms

It's a cruel world

We've so much to lose

And what we have to learn, we rarely choose

So if it's god who took her son

He cannot be the one living in her mind

Take care my love, she said

Don't think that god is dead

Take care my love, she said

You have been loved

If i was weak, forgive me

But i was terrified

You brushed my eyes with angels wings, full of love

The kind that makes devils cry

So these days

My life has changed

And i'll be fine

But she just sits and counts the hours

Searching for her crime

So what's the use of pressing palms

If you won't keep such love from harm

It's a cruel world

You've so much to prove

And heaven help the ones who wait for you

Well i've no daughters, i've no sons

Guess i'm the only one

Living in my life

Take care my love, he said

Don't think that god is dead

Take care my love, he said

You have been loved

2. I Can't Make You Love Me

3. Older

4.Jesus To A Child.

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  • DUMARTINI2009-05-30 23:41:35
    野人花园2009-05-31 00:20:46
    喜欢GM,有他的CDs。他的father figure是最喜欢的。
    DUMARTINI2009-05-31 02:14:12
    回复:喜欢GM,有他的CDs。他的father figure是最喜欢的。
    枫叶如丹2009-05-31 03:08:52
    DUMARTINI2009-05-31 04:33:59