有两个透明晶莹洁净的玻璃杯 一个杯子装满了净洁的水 一个杯子空空的 如果说前者为[纯粹] 可以说后者为[纯真] 纯净的杯子装满了水 再没有多余的空间 所以水本身是纯粹的 纯真的杯子是空空的 里面可以装入纯净的水 也可以放入脏水 如果普通地解释纯粹和纯真的区别 纯粹就是纯一无杂,没有私欲和坏念头 纯真就是无暇纯朴真挚,淡薄于人情世故 在这个意味上想想我们的人生 说纯真就好像是在说我们很傻 说纯粹好像在说我们主观性不强显 对自己没信心一样 纯真好像连带着年少时光 成人之后还纯真 往往被人认为是不懂世事 反面纯粹,所有的人都可拥有 和年少年老无关似的 纯粹的人无假无私 纯粹的人耿直而谦逊 纯粹的人容纳他人的错误 却要严律自我 活的纯粹是真的不易 但是有了良好的习性并努力着上进 总会变得纯粹的 拥有一个纯粹的人生 并纯粹的让人怜爱让人羡慕 才算好 --来自月露花浓的问候 2004年6月28日 music:one more time—laura pausini Nothing I must do Nowhere I should be No one in my life To answer to but me No more candlelight No more purple skies No one to be near As my heart slowly dies If I could hold you one more time like in the days when you where mine I'd look at you 'till I was blind So you would stay I'd say a prayer each time you'd smile Cradle the moments like a child I'd stop the world if only I Could hold you one more time (hmmmmmm) I've memorized your face I know your touch by heart Still lost in your embrace I'd dream of where you are (music break) (hmmm) If I could hold you one more time Like in the days when you were mine I'd look at you 'till I was blind So you would stay I'd say a prayer each time you'd smile Cradle the moments like a child I'd stop the world if only I Could hold you one more time One more time |