Rank | Album (2009) | Artist/Group |
1 | Merriweather Post Pavilion | Animal Collective |
2 | Veckatimest | Grizzly Bear |
3 | Bitte Orca | Dirty Projectors |
4 | It’s Blitz! | Yeah Yeah Yeahs |
5 | Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix | Phoenix |
6 | Middle Cyclone | Neko Case |
7 | xx | The xx |
8 | Only Built 4 Cuban Linx... Pt. II | Raekwon |
9 | Actor | St. Vincent |
10 | Album | Girls |
11 | Fever Ray | Fever Ray |
12 | Wilco (The Album) | Wilco |
13 | Post-Nothing | Japandroids |
14 | Two Suns | Bat for Lashes |
15 | Embryonic | The Flaming Lips |
16 | The Ecstatic | Mos Def |
17 | Manners | Passion Pit |
18 | Crack The Skye | Mastodon |
19 | Two Dancers | Wild Beasts |
20 | Hospice | The Antlers |
21 | Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle | Bill Callahan |
22 | The Crying Light | Antony And The Johnsons |
23 | Tarot Sport | Buttons |
24 | Journal for Plague Lovers | Manic Street Preachers |
25 | Monoliths & Dimensions | Sunn O))) |
26 | My Maudlin Career | Camera Obscura |
27 | The Pains of Being Pure at Heart | The Pains of Being Pure at Heart |
28 | I And Love And You | The Avett Brothers |
29 | La Roux | La Roux |
30 | Primary Colours | The Horrors |
31 | Lungs | Florence And The Machine |
32 | Jewellery | Micachu & The Shapes |
33 | Blue Record | Baroness |
34 | Born Like This | DOOM |
雨前2009-12-27 05:42:18 几乎都没听过, 谢谢分享! 继续阅读 谁知道这首音乐的名字??谢谢!!!hime4 2009-12-26 00:56:27[二胡,竖琴中西合壁]夜来香 - Xiao Dong Wei 于 Las Vegasgreenhand 2009-12-26 00:23:07轻轻听爱就光 2009-12-25 21:48:36『圣诞特快专递』 紙包雞 & 雞包紙知道不知道.. 2009-12-25 19:45:54【民乐欣赏】于红梅二胡《西口情韵》青蛙- 2009-12-25 17:31:42[圣诞节快乐] 钢琴曲:拿坡里舞曲 - 柴可夫斯基《天鹅湖》舞剧法国薰衣草 2009-12-25 16:47:07[优美的冰上舞蹈} Kristi Yamaguchi: 柴可夫斯基小提琴协奏曲法国薰衣草 2009-12-25 16:46:29法文圣诞好歌欣赏:《没有你的圣诞夜(Noël Sans Toi)》Villas 2009-12-25 16:20:14一个喜欢听音乐的人真心求教选择RECEIVER好听声儿 2009-12-25 16:14:51圣诞劲歌! 12 days of christmas (by Straight No Chaser)小笑面虎 2009-12-25 14:47:59 同作者 【罗辑思维】人类屠杀简史nWAY 2014-12-01 07:36:04【走進台灣】20141129 台国民党露败象 美中科幻军备博弈nWAY 2014-12-01 02:38:29【今日关注】20141130 自首最后期限将至 中国斩断贪官外逃路nWAY 2014-11-30 15:38:41英国教育大臣:全英学校应学习中国教学经验nWAY 2014-11-26 23:01:51英国教育大臣:全英学校应学习中国教学经验nWAY 2014-11-26 00:21:50英国教育大臣:全英学校应学习中国教学经验nWAY 2014-11-26 00:20:48中国富人移民美国:没有想象中美好nWAY 2014-11-22 21:33:34中国富人移民美国:没有想象中美好nWAY 2014-11-22 21:32:52《中国好声音》第三季第15期“总决赛巅峰之夜”(超高清版)nWAY 2014-10-07 17:19:25《中国好声音》第三季好歌集萃:徐剑秋&开开—泡沫;徐剑秋—火烧的寂寞nWAY 2014-10-03 23:16:45 |