鄧麗君 - 襟裳岬* (原曲: 襟裳岬 Erimo Misaki)
曲﹕吉田拓郎 詞﹕林煌坤 1976 年鄧麗君改編成國語版﹐收錄在"島國之情歌第二集﹕今夜想起你/淚的小雨專輯"內 (Island Love Songs Number Two: Think Of You Tonight/Tears Of Raindrops).
北の街では もう 悲しみを暖炉で
燃やし はじめてるらしい
In towns in the north, they seem to have already started
using the fireplace to temper grief over the fireplace.
理由の わからないことで 悩んでいるうち
老いぼれて しまうから
Because we are getting old while dwelling on meaningless matters,
黙りとおした 歳月を
ひろい集めて 暖めあおう
let us warm ourselves by recollecting our silent incommunicable past.
襟裳の春は 何もない春です
There is nothing special in Erimo in spring.
海邊掀起浪濤 激蕩了我的心
The seashore kicks up great waves, surging against my heart.
記得就在海邊 我倆留下愛的吻
Remember by the seashore we sealed our love with our kiss,
So beautiful and tender.
Now there is only me,
默默地在追尋 追尋
Silently reminescing, reminescing
往日那甜蜜時光 那段美麗的夢
That sweet time in the past, that beautiful dream.
My love, my love, my love,
I am waiting for your return to relate your affection.
遠慮は いらないから 暖まってゆきなよ
Please warm up here without hesitation.
遠慮は いらないから 暖まってゆきなよ
Please warm up here without hesitation.
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