法国薰衣草2010-05-05 13:28:19

[剧情介绍] 萨拉Sarah是个喜欢奇幻故事、人偶以及戏服的女孩,某天被她的父亲与后母留在家里照顾年幼的弟弟托比Toby,在被弟弟的哭闹弄得极不耐烦之下,萨拉脱口照着她正在读的故事书中所述,向小妖精国王许愿把弟弟带走,不料愿望居然成真,小妖精国王Jareth出现把托比带走了,萨拉恳求Jareth把弟弟还给她,于是小妖精国王给她13小时的时间,若能在时限内穿过环绕在城堡周围的迷宫与小妖精城,就把弟弟还给她,否则小托比就要变成小妖了!为了救回弟弟,萨拉只好一头栽进了那个无边的“魔幻迷宫”....

A magic song with a wonderful voice which tells a magic story.

Music: Dark Waltz - Hayley Westenra

We are the lucky ones
We shine like a thousand suns
When all of the colour runs together

I'll keep you company
In one glorious harmony
Waltzing with destiny forever

Dance me into the night
Underneath the full moon shining so bright
Turning me into the light

Time dancers whirling past
I gaze through the looking glass
And feel just beyond my grasp is heaven

Sacred geometry
Where movement is poetry
Visions of you and me forever

Dance me into the night
Underneath the full moon shining so bright
Turning me into the light

Dance me into the night
Underneath the full moon shining so bright
Let the dark waltz begin
Oh let me wheel - let me spin
Let it take me again
Turning me into the light
pianosonatab2010-05-05 16:26:20
回复:电影《魔幻迷宫 Labyrinth》((1986) - Dark Waltz 黑暗圆舞曲
法国薰衣草2010-05-05 16:29:10
pianosonatab 好!
237312412010-05-05 20:35:32
Dark Waltz by hayley is great one. thanks for sharing
237312412010-05-05 20:45:06
tagline"Where everything seems possible and nothing is what it s
Kisspest20092010-05-05 22:22:23
顶草草好介绍:奇妙的歌声,神奇的故事, 神奇的迷宫……
琴韵怡然2010-05-06 04:03:19
加国音乐2010-05-06 04:23:00
没看过这部电影,不过非常喜欢 Dark Waltz
法国薰衣草2010-05-06 10:35:41
好哲理的评语:"Where everything seems possible and nothing is what it s
法国薰衣草2010-05-06 11:15:53
谢谢酒儿,我不敢肯定这首曲子是这部电影里的,86年, 那是这位歌手在哪里?
法国薰衣草2010-05-06 11:17:43
谢谢琴韵怡然, 这么美的名字啊
法国薰衣草2010-05-06 11:21:36