法国薰衣草2010-05-30 23:53:19

Former 3-time Professional Standard World Champions: Christoper & Hazel having a great time while performing (without a doubt) their best dance!

Hawkins/Newberry foxtrot showdance

Hazel Newberry是英国最著名的交际舞舞蹈家和教师之一,与舞伴Christopher Hawkins一起于2002-2004年 曾三次蝉联世界职业交际舞冠军。

Hazel Catherine Newberry MBE is one of England's leading ballroom dancers and dance teachers. She was three times undefeated World Professional Ballroom champion, dancing with Christopher Hawkins (2002–2004). The couple also won the International Professional Ballroom Championship in London in 2002 and 2003.[1]

Before this, she won both World and European Amateur Standard championships with Hawkins, in 1997. Her career as an amateur concluded with thirteen successuve victories in championship events in Europe and the USA, during 1997,[2] including the World Games.

From 2008, Newberry danced with Jonathan Wilkins. The two came second in the 2008 Embassy Ball World Cup Standard competition, behind Wilkins' former partner, Katusha Demidova, and Demidova's new partner, Arunas Bizokas.

In 2009 Newberry and Jonathan Wilkins came second in the WDC Professional Ballroom Championship, held in Japan. The winners were Arunas Bizokas and Katusha Demidova.[3] Newberry & Wilkins have now announced their retirement from competitive dancing.

Hazel Newberry was appointed MBE in 2006.


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    法国薰衣草2010-05-31 18:36:58
    谢谢并问好羊羊! 没有啦,草草也只是喜欢听歌看舞就是了
    法国薰衣草2010-05-31 18:38:42
    法国薰衣草2010-05-31 18:41:22
    身心享受的舞蹈, 谢谢秋凉,问好!
    青稞雪羊2010-05-31 20:26:04
    霍霍﹐加加有兩下﹐行家。長知識。交際舞vs國標舞, 唱歌vs聲樂?
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    什么是"LWG"?.."LQB"? ...行话?...黑话?~~~~
    加国音乐2010-06-01 02:01:19
    法国薰衣草2010-06-01 23:49:27
    回复:什么是"LWG"?.."LQB"? ...行话?...黑话?~~~~
    yy8882010-06-02 05:41:06