加国音乐2010-09-10 03:58:40

【Spanish Nights: Late Night Latin Grooves】

多年来一直喜欢并聆听各类(国)吉它曲,但听过此系列,本人又一次重新审视吉它这种奇妙的乐器和它表现的西班牙佛朗门戈(flamenco)风格的奇妙效果:一种忧郁,哀伤, 狂热与奔放的混合音乐风格...

几曲听过,整个心灵随其同舞呼应...或随这异国情调静静瞑想:日落后的夏季夜晚,这些身穿艳丽服装、紧身胸衣,多层饰边的裙子,袒露颈项和双臂的女性舞者与紧身黑裤子,长袖衬衫们的男舞伴在鲜明轻快的节奏中, 在夜雾笼罩下,篝火旁,谣逸舞动,风采飘逸...因带有拉丁音乐元素,其节奏鲜明,曲调流畅,又极具异国情调,因此近年来越来越受中国年轻一族喜爱....对这类艺术感染力的体验,犹如感受温馨的天然情感,顺畅愉悦...浪漫和声中容入了温柔女声,更似琼浆玉液般让人如饥似渴,沉迷陶醉...似乎将心中欲望,悲伤,希冀,企盼在这美妙的异国情调中被引向无垠的夜空,或神秘,诗般,不为人知的远方....


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01. Abrazame
02. Delirio Y Sensualidad
03. Una Noche Nada Mas
04. Pon Tu Pecho En El Mio
05. Asi
06. Hazme El Amor
07. Luna Noche Y Vino Tinro
08. Te Deseo
09. En La Intimidad
10. Dentro
11. Enciendeme
12. Todo A Su Medida

Arranged : Adrian Pieragostino

Produced : Edgar Cortazar

Composed : Edgar Cortazar

Vacals : Elyan


EDGAR CORTAZAR,latin Grammy Award nominee, four time BMI award winner and one time Latin Grammy Award recipient who's creations have touched the heart of uperstars such as Luis Miguel, with whom he collaborated as a co-author and spanish lyric adaptator on three of his last four musical productions..

Edgar Cortazar's father, Ernesto Cortazar Ducker, also kept the family tradition and legacy creating the background music for more than 600 movies in Mexico and his composing skills also gave numerous artists
great hit songs in the 70's, 80's, 90's and until today.

As a lyricist, Edgar Cortazar has shared co-authorship with his father, Ernesto Cortazar Ducker, his brother and also Latin Grammy and BMI award winner; Ernesto Cortazar, Tony Melendez, Adrian Pieragostino, Jose Luis
Terrazas,Jose Luis Terrazas Jr, Ismael Gallegos, Mark Portmann, Toby Sandoval, Ricardo Montaner, Vicky y Marisol Terrazas, Kike Santander,
Homero Patrón, Daniel Díaz, Roberto Jimenez, Manelick de la Parra, Jeffrey Fischman, Alejandro Asensi, Alejandro Carballo, Rafael Esparza-Ruiz, Ximena Muñoz, Cristina Abaroa, Johnson Enos, Oswaldo Villarreal,
Bruno Danzza, Scott Blevins, Tom Strahle, Arthur Hanlon, Jorge Bañuelos, Rafael Rubio, Sebastian Arocha, Denise Bradley, Facundo Monty, Claudia Brant, Lynette Brehm, Christian De Walden, Ricardo Díaz, Elyan Díaz, Carlos del Castillo, Steve Dorff, Maria Entraigues, Esteban Mares,
Steve Dorff, Yoel Henríquez, Serge Colbert, Victoria Horn, Hillary Bernstein, Alberto Mirabal, John Reid, Rafa Sardina, Anthony Fedorov,
Ruy Folguera, Mauricio Guerrero, Daniel Avila, Carlos Castro, Ron Irving, Molly-Ann Leikin, Francisco Loyo, Salo Loyo, Víctor Loyo, Ana Malhoa,
Paulo Massadas, Juan Mesa, Pepe Motta, Richard Page, D. Pickell, Michael Ripoll, Paulo Serpa, Stephony Smith, Irene Toumainen, T. Wong and Antonio Zamora.

Edgar Cortazar’s songs have been recorded by:

Luis Miguel, Olga Tañón, Christian Castro,Pedro Fernandez, David Bi*****al, Yahir, Jon Secada, Three Graces, Conjunto Primavera, Grupo Montez de Durango, Pablo Montero, Graciela Beltrán, La Mafia, Diana Reyes,Los Primos de Durango, Grupo Liberación, Los Horóscopos de Durango, Industria del Amor, K-Paz de la Sierra, Grupo Iman, Carmen Jara,Autoridad de la Sierra, Grupo Palomo, Ponzoña Musical de Durango, Banda Machos,
Banda Guasaveña de Valentin Elizalde, Banda Los Lagos, Angels, Salomon Robles, Chicos De Barrio, No-Pals, Alex Arellano, Grupo Prezisso, riscilla y sus Balas de Plata, Los Palominos, Rafael Mercadante, La Bandita de Durango, Erasmo Catarino, Israel El Tillo Nevarez, Keyla Caballero, zucena la del Campo, Andres Marquez (El Macizo), Isabela, Los Tremendos de exico, Witchy's Band,Los Reyes Del Camino, Ke-Zafados, Keyla Caballero, Huichol Musical and Grupo La Onda among many others.

Edgar Cortazar has also worked as a spanish,lyric adaptator in international projects such as:

Three graces / 2007


Wildflower Song / Nettwerk Songs Publishing.Spanish lyric adaptator for Doug Edwards and David Richardson's international Canadian hit song.

Christmas by Luis Miguel / 2006 / Warner Records.Spanish Lyric adaptator for Christmas standards:

-Let It Snow

-Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer

-Winter Wonderland

Edgar Cortazar's singular style of singing and voice recording has made him become part of numerous music projects as a professional in the commercial scene. He has participated in numerous T.V., radio and
commercial voiceover campaigns for companies such as:

Ford Motor Company, Disney, Chrysler, Telemundo, Univision and Frito Lay.

Edgar Cortazar has also become part of many musical productions for the Disney Latin Music Division as a composer / lead voice and background vocal singer.

Some of these productions are:

Arrullo (Lullaby) 1996, Navidad Disney

(Disney Christmas) 1996, Canciones de Viaje

(Travel Songs) 1997, La Fiesta Dinosaurios

(Dinosaur Party) 1998 and Multiplicando!

(Multiplying!) 1998, among others.

As a professional singer, Edgar Cortazar has participated in the recording of more than 750 demo and full produced songs in different publishing companies and recording studios in Mexico, Canada and the U.S.


Xiaokanshijie2010-09-10 04:02:20
Sa Fa Da Ding....
加国音乐2010-09-10 04:03:56
wadcChinese2010-09-10 04:07:40
拉丁舞呀, 真有情调 (图)
加国音乐2010-09-10 04:08:47
Xiaokanshijie2010-09-10 04:16:15
枫叶如丹2010-09-10 04:25:26
加国音乐2010-09-10 04:50:51
加国音乐2010-09-10 04:54:37
哟,好久未见wadcChinese ,谢谢并问好!
加国音乐2010-09-10 04:58:21
法国薰衣草2010-09-10 13:37:51
真佳美!喜欢用这样的音乐把自己清洗一遍, 为什么拉丁音乐总是这般热情浪漫忧伤?
水仙花-2010-09-10 14:52:53
海上云2010-09-10 23:44:34
琴键上的舞蹈2010-09-11 00:25:27
kenlautic2010-09-11 02:02:42
good post, thanks for sharing~
小轩的歌2010-09-11 02:37:12
加国音乐2010-09-11 02:54:39
不愧老师,喜欢这段文字:Hazme El Amor En La Intimidad
加国音乐2010-09-11 02:57:26
加国音乐2010-09-11 03:01:01
加国音乐2010-09-11 03:07:46
琴键上的舞蹈2010-09-11 03:09:55
加国音乐2010-09-11 03:16:02
加国音乐2010-09-11 03:23:04
加国音乐2010-09-11 03:35:26
琴键上的舞蹈2010-09-11 04:03:06
God, 这第四首越听越有感觉,好像是探戈的节奏?
加国音乐2010-11-19 03:58:49
加国音乐2010-11-19 04:02:38
加国音乐2010-11-19 04:05:58