switchover2010-10-19 01:14:16
switchover2010-10-19 01:16:29
We come here for a reason, a season....
yy8882010-10-19 01:18:36
10pm2010-10-19 01:28:37
switchover2010-10-19 01:32:46
草草喜欢思索, 俺得让她想半天 hehe, 谢圆圆!
switchover2010-10-19 01:38:18
谢10PM! 音乐和图不是重点! :) ... 确实神妙哈~
尘埃1.02010-10-19 01:40:56
what a switchover!
switchover2010-10-19 01:54:01
谢尘埃! As long as you all like it :)
JR982010-10-19 02:55:13
Thank you Switchover. This is so beautiful and so true.
小得2010-10-19 02:57:56
加国音乐2010-10-19 03:16:08
Native Spirit By Tomiko,有意境...
switchover2010-10-19 03:19:04
Thanks JR98! beauty and truth amaze us :)
switchover2010-10-19 03:21:03
Thanks 加音! you know it so well :)
switchover2010-10-19 03:24:33
谢小得顶贴! 慢慢享受哈 :)
lili~2010-10-19 03:27:27
switchover2010-10-19 03:35:18
谢lili! 您可说到俺心里去啦, 2C: cute and cool!
capuchino2010-10-19 04:14:50
nice switchover, switchover nice~~
珊瑚-2010-10-19 04:27:14
Absolutely! Everything happens for a reason! DING!
换换~2010-10-19 05:17:41
Thanks, capuchino! capuchino, thanks! @_@
换换~2010-10-19 05:19:52
谢珊瑚! 就像俺们, 冥冥之中, 在这里MEET! :)
水云间~2010-10-19 06:06:05
换换~2010-10-19 06:25:39
谢云儿姐! 原来您是这儿一大人物啊 :), 好荣幸!
水云间~2010-10-19 06:42:56
换换~2010-10-19 06:53:51
哪儿岁数大啦, 一小姐姐儿! 那俺跟着你啦 @_@
法国薰衣草2010-10-19 12:16:28
哪里,脑袋反应很慢的, 现在的加减法水平也最多是100以内的, 多了头痛啊
法国薰衣草2010-10-19 12:43:50
Very special meditation, shoucang!feichangganxie!
花非雨2010-10-19 13:51:48
switchover2010-10-19 20:04:57
这是哪国语言啊? 双语带拼音 :), 谢草草!
switchover2010-10-19 20:08:31
谢花非雨! 有没有看写些什么? 玩笑啦,@_@