加国音乐2010-11-09 02:52:54

加国音乐2010-11-09 02:58:42
pingy_s2010-11-09 05:35:17
剛睡醒就坐個大沙發,真好 :-)
pingy_s2010-11-09 05:55:53
爱走光2010-11-09 08:53:15
法国薰衣草2010-11-09 12:40:35
听以色列的音乐,不论流行乐还是folk song,都感受到这个民族的孤独伤感,冥想和热情
pingy_s2010-11-09 14:32:12
pingy_s2010-11-09 14:39:06
switchover2010-11-09 16:10:16
枫叶如丹2010-11-09 16:24:06
pingy_s2010-11-09 17:10:49
pingy_s2010-11-10 02:49:44
pingy_s2010-11-10 03:16:17
加国音乐2010-11-10 03:25:17
坐在大沙發上又接着睡?...ZT真好 :-)
加国音乐2010-11-10 03:29:11
pingy_s2010-11-10 03:34:00
加国音乐2010-11-10 03:55:00
加国音乐2010-11-10 04:04:26
加国音乐2010-11-10 04:05:10
加国音乐2010-11-10 04:10:44
pingy_s2010-11-10 04:33:52
加国音乐2010-11-10 05:44:19
法国薰衣草2010-11-10 18:09:46
pingy_s2010-11-10 18:19:29
lili~2010-11-10 20:14:24

  在犹太人看来,分散在世界各地的犹太民族是上帝选定的一个特殊民族,在基督教世界里,犹太民族始终背着背叛耶稣的罪名,被迫迁移、流浪,还遭到几次残忍的大屠杀。惨痛的历史,造就了犹太音乐忧郁、伤感、浪漫、美妙的旋律。阿尔诺·耐德尔指出,犹太音乐有下列特性:吟诵;常常变换节奏和调式;旋律是以小音程进行的;采用了希伯来语的抑抑扬格的节奏和平行动词;音乐具有冥想、沉思的特质。   犹太音乐的最显著特点,就是其宗教性。犹太教重视音乐的教诲作用,把音乐看成是上帝喜爱的、神性流溢的一种神秘方式,是呈现和理解犹太教义的一个重要因素,是犹太民众与上帝沟通的一条捷径.

450) this.width=450" src="http://photo.zhulong.com/proj/ProjectPic/20/2010/201035/2009060410543840.jpg" width="700" border="10" />

450) this.width=450" src="http://space.wenxuecity.com/media/1289268434.mp3" width="400" height="40" type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" loop="true" autostart="true" volume="100" ="java:if(this.width>300")

【Ana B'Ko'ach】

"Ana beko'ach" is the beautfiul song dominating the Israeli airwaves:
This song first appeared around the time of the Lebanon War, and it has never really dropped off the airwaves. The words are from a short prayer said before the beginning of Shabbat services on Friday night. In fact there are quite a few popular songs in Israel with lyrics from the prayers and other religious sources - and not just during war time. I take it as a (good) sign that the people are becoming more spiritual if not more religious.
Here's the scoop on the “Ana Bekoach” prayer . The significant part of the prayer is not the words themselves, but rather the first letter of each word. These letters taken together comprise the 42 letter name of Hashem, also known as the Holy Name of Creation. This is the easiest way to explain its presence at the beginning of the Shabbat Liturgy. Shabbat commemorates the event of creation, and the 42 letter name of Hashem related to his creativity. The reason for making this name into a prayer is that we do not actually pronounce kabbalistic names, although they are used for visualization. Making the name into a prayer lets you actually say the name, howbeit in a rather indirect way. So when you say the prayer you want to visualize the first letter of each word. Also, the 42 letter name is divided into seven lines, each with six letters. The number 6 signified the number of directions present in the world: North, South, East, West, up and down. These directions are present on each of the seven days of the week. Hence the most obvious link between this name and the Creation.

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Music by Ovadia Hamama
Flash by Kabbalah.com
Edited by Lila

Rough translation of the lyrics:
"Please God, with the force of your power, accept the prayer of Your people. Raise us up, purify us. Please God, mighty One of the people who declare Your unity, with the force of Your power protect them, bless them with the mercy of Your charity. Always save them Holy One.
Holy One, in all Your goodness, lead Your people, turn to Your people who remember Your holiness. Accept our prayer and hear our cry, the One who knows secrets."

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Ana B'Ko'ach (A Kabbalistic Prayer) (2 Versions - Music & Acapella)

450) this.width=450" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1EdL_TLbHsg" width="540" height="500" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowaccess="always" />

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The Kabbalists reveal that this sequence of Hebrew letters encompasses the actual power of creation. The Ana B'Koach is built from 42 letters and is also known as the 42 Letter Name of God. Whenever we make a connection the 42 Letter Name, we are tapping into the primordial force of creation." "Ana BeKoach (Ana BeCoach or Ana B'Koach) prayer was written in the first century by a great kabalistic Rabbi - Rabbi Nehonia. It is said daily at least 3 times, often more, if it's Shabbat or Yontif. [Holy Day.]"
*There is also a solo voice version at the end of this video courtesy of kabbalahgroup.org
The 42 Letter Name of God is an ancient word of Power. This Name of God is divided into seven lines.
Each line can be seen as a DNA sequence that represent seven different types of energy. Each line, or sequence, contains six words that provide Divine Energy for helping us to solve the problems of life.
Line 1: This is the most powerful line of the prayer, created to be concentrated upon in time of extreme stress or danger; the DNA sequence of power to provide sustenance in a time of dire need.
Line 2: Grants the user the power to move events and control negative forces.
Line 3: Empowers one with the ability to make the right decision, with the proper balance and compassion.
Line 4: Grants the endurance necessary to follow through and prove victorious.
Line 5: Provides the energy of deep insight, creates a form of clairvoyance that allows the user to see into the future.
Line 6: Gives the ability to find peace and inner strength.
Line 7: Grants the power of renewal which allows one to start over again.
Play it continuously on your speakers that it can set up a residence in your DNA to have an effect.

--- 加国音乐整理@11.08.2010.---