switchover2010-11-09 23:33:49
She's cool, came out earlier than lady gaga ...
尘埃2.02010-11-09 23:35:13
SF! 换换已经换到俺熟悉的之外了!
switchover2010-11-09 23:38:59
谢尘埃! 要勇敢接受新事物怪事物 :)
尘埃2.02010-11-09 23:44:09
switchover2010-11-09 23:52:38
Cool里? 哪儿?
尘埃2.02010-11-09 23:58:39
最后部分,her melody, I mean.
switchover2010-11-10 00:19:24
switchover2010-11-10 00:21:51
Great videos too :)
枫叶如丹2010-11-10 02:26:31
The Sweet and cool :) ding 换换!
switchover2010-11-10 02:31:07
丹丹来啦, 谢丹丹! :)
lili~2010-11-10 19:30:37
o,dear2010-11-10 21:34:20
couldn,t understand her music,but like her as a person.
switchover2010-11-11 02:37:50
谢lili喜欢! 谢lili赞扬! :)
switchover2010-11-11 02:39:28
couldn't? you need to loose up a bit :), thanks o'dear!