switchover2011-01-08 03:09:42

Amilcare Ponchielli
(August 31, 1834 – January 16, 1886) was an Italian composer, largely of operas.

Although in his lifetime Ponchielli was very popular and influential, in introducing an enlarged orchestra and more complex orchestration, the only one of his operas regularly performed today is La Gioconda. It contains the great tenor romanza "Cielo e mar", a superb duet for tenor and baritone "Enzo Grimaldo", the soprano set-piece "Suicidio!" and the ballet music "The Dance of the Hours", known even to the non-musical from its use in Walt Disney's Fantasia (1940), Alan Sherman's novelty song, "Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh", and other popular works.

  • 《洪湖赤卫队》插曲
  • 对花 (黄梅戏, 陕西民歌)
  • 《阿兰胡埃斯协奏曲》(Concierto de Aranjuez)
  • Stop Crying Your Heart Out ( Oasis )
  • Winter Light (秘密花园)
  • switchover2011-01-08 03:12:04
    下面有此曲的贴, 俺来个快乐版的 :)
    阿尤2011-01-08 03:17:16
    回复:《时间之舞》Dance of the Hours - Fantasia 1940
    水仙花-2011-01-08 03:25:52
    欣赏快乐版的Dance of the Hours,换换周末快乐:)
    switchover2011-01-08 04:11:16
    @_@, 谢阿尤!
    switchover2011-01-08 04:12:08
    谢花花! 周末快乐! :)
    o,dear2011-01-08 06:02:58
    this CD had made me 啞口无言 before.
    switchover2011-01-09 05:04:28
    Thanks o'dear! you really like it that much :)