法国薰衣草2011-09-30 23:57:51

Toscanini about Beethoven and Wagner  谈贝多芬和瓦格纳


About Star 谈明星

About Puccini 谈普西尼



Arturo Toscanini , 意大利指挥大师, 生前很少接受采访,也没留下什么日记,在他最后的几年,他的儿子Walter偷偷录下约150小时的有关他跟亲人密友的谈话, 让后人稍稍略知这位大师的内心世界和他对音乐,人生的看法。

Arturo Toscanini (1867-1957), arguably the greatest and most famous conductor in history, was paradoxically one of the most private. He never granted interviews, left diaries or journals of any kind. But during the last years of his life, his son Walter secretly recorded 150 hours of intimate conversations that Toscanini shared with friends and family who visited his home. TOSCANINI: In His Own Words, is based on these tapes which remained vaulted for more than 50 years. Recreated conversations reveal aspects of the Maestro never seen before. Subjects such as his loves, opinions about colleagues, his clashes with Mussolini and Hitler, his personal memories of Verdi, Puccini, Furtwangler, Stokowski, as well as his greatest joys and causes of his endemic sadness are all part of his frank conversation. Interwoven throughout the film are many of Toscanini's greatest musical performances.

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