其中的两个专辑是应快递朋友点歌而做的,谢谢点歌的两位朋友! 在这深秋里,看见碧蓝的天空,蔚蓝的大海,还有白云,沙滩, 谢谢你的美言美语,谢谢你的喜欢,谢谢你的点歌,周末快乐! beautiful songs and voices, thnx for sharing! Oh, but the 沙发 is for you, sit down please, thanks a lot ! Thx for nice comment, enjoy music and have a wonderful weekend ! Taking the chairs for you & your her or him, enjoy nice view and ***Taking the chairs for U & your her/him, enjoy nice view & son Oh, but the chairs are for you & your him, sit down and enjoy it Many thanks to you for your great recommendation!