浪遏飞穹2011-12-23 17:43:00

Le Cose Che Sei Per Me

Chanson Boheme

La vie en Rose

The Flower Duet

l'amore sei tu


Black is the colour


Your Silhouette

Parla Più Piano


yy8882011-12-23 18:08:49
Everything just comes together。不过发现,这两天点击好像泡过水了
浪遏飞穹2011-12-23 18:16:03
You know it better
紫千叶2011-12-23 18:18:52
Bahama2011-12-23 18:20:46
Very good! Thanks! Merry Christmas!!
lulu2122011-12-23 20:11:15
Big fan of hers, thank you very much!
none2011-12-24 05:21:22
谢谢介绍Katherine Jenkins,她也是女中音,长得,唱得都美,呵呵。