法国薰衣草2012-02-05 23:21:29

Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan
(9 November 2011 – 5 February 2012)

周五晚去National Gallery关于达芬奇画展最后一次talk《Learning from Leonardo DaVinci:end of journey》,我和小女儿一起去的,这次画展也让她成为达芬奇迷,当晚去听talk的人都很激动而惆怅, 很多人听完talk后站在二楼遥望楼下第一展厅里的几幅画,与画展道别,这个周末将是达芬奇伦敦画展最后两天,画廊破例开放直到半夜,周末过后,
《Cecilia Gallerani》将回波兰,这三个月她几乎都快成为伦敦情人, 波兰人民早就抱怨了
《St Jerome》回罗马梵蒂冈
La belle ferronnière》《Virgin of the Rock》等回巴黎
《Madonna Litta 》将回圣彼得堡(列宁格勒)

幸好自己有张通票,去年上半年提前办好,这三个月听了十几场Free Talk ,参观展览16次,还一大早去排队让家人,朋友和他们的老板都去看了画展,分享了快乐

听了达芬奇时期文艺复兴的音乐会,看文艺复兴时期的舞蹈的介绍,这次画展对我就是一次文艺复兴之旅,听了很多,却知道很少,刚刚有些熟悉文艺复兴时期的米兰,佛罗伦萨,和那个时期艺术天才的轰轰烈烈:达芬奇,拉斐尔,米开朗基罗, 这场旅程却又要结束了,忧伤之中也感恩今生有幸能碰上这场被誉为世纪之展的画展.达芬奇曾经生活的年代离现在已经500年余,在展览的这三个月里,让参观者感受意大利文艺复兴时那浓烈的艺术气息.

周六晚去离国家画廊不远的Royal Festival听一场德国作曲家Anton Bruncher的专场音乐会,一出门看到天空开始飘着鹅毛雪花,音乐会出来一看: 夜幕下的伦敦已经被雪花覆盖, 顶着雪花再步行去National Galley去跟画儿道别,都已经晚上10pm, 还是有不少人在那,


人们都说这是自文艺复兴以来,第一次达芬奇的画展, 也很可能是最后一次,因为达芬奇幸存的画作已经很稀少脆弱, 不能再这样长途跋涉颠簸了。

我从画廊出来突然想到:难道这满天的雪花是为达芬奇伦敦画展而舞,是为这次世纪之展最后的送行?想起展览的第一天, 我看完出来见到画廊边上的圣马丁教堂St Martin in the field 塔顶上那一轮明月,把天空是那么皎洁明媚,月亮,雪花都来庆贺这场达芬奇画作的世纪盛会.

Thursday 2 February 10am–10pm (last admission 9pm)
Friday 3, Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 February 10am–midnight (last admission 11pm)

'One of the exhibitions of the century'
– Roy Strong, Telegraph
'Serious ideas – and a serious exhibition'
– Jonathan Jones, Guardian

'Truly remarkable' – Duncan Macmillan, Scotsman 

‘Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan’ is the most complete display of Leonardo’s rare surviving paintings ever held. This unprecedented exhibition – the first of its kind anywhere in the world – brings together sensational international loans never before seen in the UK.
Leonardo the artist

While numerous exhibitions have looked at Leonardo da Vinci as an inventor, scientist or draughtsman, this is the first to be dedicated to his aims and techniques as a painter. Inspired by the recently restored National Gallery painting, The Virgin of the Rocks, this exhibition focuses on Leonardo as an artist. In particular it concentrates on the work he produced as court painter to Duke Lodovico Sforza in Milan in the late 1480s and 1490s.

As a painter, Leonardo aimed to convince viewers of the reality of what they were seeing while still aspiring to create ideals of beauty – particularly in his exquisite portraits – and, in his religious works, to convey a sense of awe-inspiring mystery.

Featuring the finest paintings and drawings by Leonardo and his followers, the exhibition examines Leonardo’s pursuit for perfection in his representation of the human form. Works on display include ‘La Belle Ferronière’ (Musée du Louvre, Paris), the ‘Madonna Litta’ (Hermitage, Saint Peter*****urg) and ‘Saint Jerome’ (Pinacoteca Vaticana, Rome).

The two versions of Leonardo’s ‘Virgin of the Rocks’ – belonging to the National Gallery and the Louvre – will also be shown together for the first time.
The final part of the exhibition features a near-contemporary, full-scale copy of Leonardo’s famous ‘Last Supper’, on loan from the Royal Academy. Seen alongside all the surviving preparatory drawings made by Leonardo for the 'Last Supper', visitors will discover how such a large-scale painting was designed and executed.


  • 伦敦不眠的达芬奇之夜 Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan
  • 法国现代作曲家René Aubry
  • 时装摄影师 Paolo Reversi镜头下的女人
  • 伦敦不眠的达芬奇之夜 Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan
  • tianyi2012-02-05 23:26:44
    边走边乐2012-02-05 23:31:29
    法国薰衣草2012-02-05 23:32:36
    法国薰衣草2012-02-05 23:35:49
    选SUNSET是我昨日去画廊的心情, 看着夜幕下Cecilia Gallerani那纯洁而脆弱的目光..
    法国薰衣草2012-02-05 23:37:22
    改错:自己--〉字迹; Anton Bruncher-->Anton Bruchner, 对不起
    utopia992012-02-05 23:40:47
    Thanks for sharing!
    1iron2012-02-06 03:21:34
    边走边乐2012-02-06 05:16:04
    飞飞~~2012-02-06 14:53:42
    Bahama2012-02-06 18:22:56
    法国薰衣草2012-02-06 22:44:29
    法国薰衣草2012-02-06 22:46:04
    没有啦,向大家汇报一下啦, 谢谢
    法国薰衣草2012-02-06 22:48:04
    俺以前除了卢浮宫蒙娜丽莎, 其他就不懂了, 谢谢
    法国薰衣草2012-02-06 22:55:55
    法国薰衣草2012-02-06 23:00:53
    是这次专门有免费讲座分别介绍米开朗基罗,拉斐尔,受益很多, 谢谢你
    none2012-02-07 03:36:09
    法国薰衣草2012-02-07 13:09:01
    none2012-02-07 13:23:22
    法国薰衣草2012-02-07 13:56:34
    none2012-02-08 00:04:42