法国薰衣草2012-03-30 11:55:02

Without A Song lyrics

Without a song, the day would never end
Without a song, the road would never have been
When things go wrong, a man ain't got a friend
Without a song

That field of corn, would never see a plow
That field of corn, would be deserted now
A man is born, but he's no good no how
Without a song

I've got my trouble and woe, but sure as I know
The Jordan will roll
I'll get along, as long as a song
Is strung in my soul

I'll never know, what makes the rain to fall
I'll never know, what makes the grass so tall
I only know, there ain't no love at all
Without a song

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  • 悠乐摆渡2012-03-30 16:32:47
    No Songs, No Friends
    yy8882012-03-30 20:12:35
    法国薰衣草2012-04-01 22:23:15
    No Songs, No Life! 谢谢二位乐友留言
    1iron2012-04-02 04:44:20