down the way where the nights are gay
and the sun shines daily on the mountain top
i took a trip on a sailing ship
and when i reached jamaica
i made a stop
but i'm sad to say, i'm on my way
won't be back for many a day
my heart is down my head is turning around
i had to leave a little girl in kingston town
down at the market you can hear
ladies cry out while on their heads they bear
'akey rice, salt fish are nice
and the rum is fine any time of year
but i'm sad to say, i'm on my way
won't be back for many a day
my heart is down my head is turning around
i had to leave a little girl in kingston town
sounds of laughter everywhere
and the dancing girls swaying to and fro
i must declare my heart is there
though i've been from maine to mexico
but i'm sad to say, i'm on my way
won't be back for many a day
my heart is down my head is turning around
i had to leave a little girl in kingston town
down the way where the nights are gay
and the sun shines daily on the mountain top
i took a trip on a sailing ship
and when i reached jamaica
i made a stop
but i'm sad to say i'm on my way
won't be back for many a day
my heart is down my head is turning around
i had to leave a little girl in kingston town
人物介绍(from web)
BELAFONTE AT CARNEGIE HALL乃音响史上最出色的录音之一,Belafonte中气十足的人声,Carnegie Hall的丰满堂音,伴奏乐器的细节与位置,现场观众反应的真实感,加上歌曲本身超级的可听性几十年来, 一直是美国发烧界的楷模。
在上世纪五、六十年代开始,他是美国流行音乐史上与猫王齐 名的伟大黑人歌手,是真正的黑人民族音乐发扬者,他以掺杂西印度群岛加利帕骚(galypso)风格的演唱特色而倾倒众生。与猫王的英年早逝相对 比,BELAFONTE可说是株长青树,他德高望重,健康长寿。热心公益事业,本张专辑的绝靓现场演出,就是为做慈善演出。贝拉方特技佳,德美,倾倒众生。
Harry Belafonte 亨瑞.贝拉方特,原名哈罗德.乔治.小贝拉方特,1927年03月01日生于纽约市哈莱姆区。童年时代在牙买加 他父亲的出生地过着贫困的生活。二战结束后,他勤工俭学在纽约戏剧进修所学习。1952年开始以唱民歌作为他的职业。1953年第一次上银幕,演出《光辉 的道路》。同年,他还在百老汇演出《约翰.默里.安迪森的年历》,获戏剧托尼奖。