法国薰衣草2012-06-06 17:53:57

Beethoven's 5 Secrets - OneRepublic (Cello/Orchestral Cover) - ThePianoGuys

Don't only practice your art,
Force your way into its secrets,
For it and knowledge can
raise men to the divine.

- Ludwig Van Beethoven

.......What are Beethoven's secrets? He had many. His most prominent secret that he desperately tried to keep from the public and that caused him to be considered extremely eccentric, irritable, and hermit-like was his "weakness." He was deaf during most of his life. Imagine that...one of the greatest composers that ever lived could hardly hear. And yet, he wrote his life's greatest works after becoming deaf. He believed that art itself had "secrets" that had to be "forced into" in order to obtain art's highest level. There is no doubt Beethoven discovered many of the "secrets" of art -- people all over the world enjoy them every day. He was a true master of music, blessed by God. This piece and video are dedicated to him............

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  • yy8882012-06-07 00:43:44
    wonderful music
    庭榕2012-06-07 02:40:06
    圣天朗2012-06-07 03:12:04
    弓尒2012-06-07 09:16:58
    good piece ~! merci !
    法国薰衣草2012-06-07 11:59:28
    没想到你们会这么喜欢他们的音乐, merci!
    法国薰衣草2012-06-07 12:04:37
    法国薰衣草2012-06-07 12:08:36
    伟大的孤独者, 伟大的先行者, 伟大的探索家!
    法国薰衣草2012-06-07 12:11:42
    让人想去野外远足,欣赏蓝天白云大地森林的舞姿, 谢谢
    AriesKnight2012-06-07 16:49:02
    法国薰衣草 2012-06-07 18:24:28
    骑士真会做总结报告, 谢谢啦
    AriesKnight2012-06-07 19:20:48
    看客20102012-06-08 20:04:44
    法国薰衣草2012-06-10 13:41:58
    孩子成长有音乐浇灌 如同春耕播种雨露 也助于同情心的培养