【專輯樂手】:Bread / David Gates
【發行公司】:Elektra / Wea
【發行日期】:Jan 10, 2001
【音樂類型】:Rock/Pop/Folk Albums
BREAD(麵包)是活躍於70年代的一支美國樂隊,唱一些簡單,乾淨的帶些民謠色彩的歌曲。他們的聲音出奇的溫柔純淨,像是一股清風拂面而過。吉它是他們音樂的靈魂,就這麼輕柔地撥動著,讓人安靜而又感動。你會驀然地有一種與他們熟識已久的感覺。總有些歌能唱到人的心裡,比如BREAD的這首If,給人的感覺有些類似於列儂的[Imagine],就是那種安安靜靜地唱歌,有著濃濃的60年代的味道。那樣的旋律似乎不應當從數字處理的CD機放出來,而是應該找一架像那種老式唱機來播放,最好還是帶著些斑斑駁駁的滄桑的印痕。Essentials這專輯收集主音歌手和作曲家David Gates 24首最知名的歌曲,比以前的所有選集添加更多歌曲,包括'It Don't Matter To Me', 'If', 'Baby I'm-A Want You', 'Everything I Own', 'The Guitar Man', 'Goodbye Girl' 等等。
Bread was a rock band from Los Angeles, California. They placed 13 songs on the Billboard Hot 100 chart between 1970 and 1977 and were a prime example of what later was labeled soft rock. Bread, led by David Gates, took all of the softer aspects of the post-'60s folk meta-morphosis and none of the artistry.
This collection presents the greatest hits of the 1970s soft-rock band Bread. Compilation from the '70s Soft Rockers plus solo tracks from their hit singer/songwriter David Gates recorded after the band's unfortunate split. During the first half of the '70s, Bread were one of the most popular bands in the U.S., with a number of hit singles that have become standards and still receive airplay over three decades after their original release. Essentials gathers 24 of David Gates' best-known songs with and without Bread, including 'It Don't Matter To Me', 'If', 'Baby I'm-A Want You', 'Everything I Own', 'The Guitar Man', 'Goodbye Girl' and many others.
"if a picture paints a thousand words,
then why can't i paint you?
the words will never show the you i've come to know.
if a face could launch a thousand ships,
then where am i to go?
there's no one home but you, you're all that's left me to.
and when my love for life is running dry,
you come and pour yourself on me.
if a man could be two places at one time,
i'd be with you.
tommorrow and today, beside you all the way.
if the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die,
i'd spend the end with you. and when the world was through,
then one by one the stars would all go out,
then you and i would simply fly away....."
01 Dismal Day
02 Any way you want me
03 It Don't Matter To Me
04 Make It With You
05 Look What You'Ve Done
06 I Want You With Me
07 Let Your Love Go
08 Too Much Love
09 If
10 He's a Good Lad
11 Mother Freedom
12 Baby I'm-a Want You
13 Down On My Knees
14 Everything I Own
15 Diary
16 Guitar Man
17 Aubrey
18 Sweet Surrender
19 She's The Only One
20 Lost Without Your Love
21 Soap (I Use the)
22 Ann
23 Never Let Her Go
24 Goodbye Girl
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