laodie2013-08-28 04:22:12
- Benjamin Bliss, tenor, USA, 27 years old
- Zach Borichevsky, tenor, USA, 29 years old
- Mirella Bunoaica, soprano, Romania, 28 years old
- Hae Ji Chang, soprano, South Korea, 29 years old
- Irina Churilova, soprano, Russia, 30 years old
- Tracy Cox, soprano, USA, 27 years old
- Vladimir Dmitruk, tenor, Belarus, 26 years old
- Julie Fuchs, soprano, France, 29 years old
- Aida Garifullina, soprano, Russia, 25 years old
- Claudia Huckle, contralto, UK, 31 years old
- Kathryn Lewek, soprano, USA, 30 years old
- Ao Li, bass-baritone, China, 25 years old
- Simone Piazzola, baritone, Italy, 28 years old
- Diego Silva, tenor, Mexico, 24 years old

Of the 14 finalists, Kathryn Lewek and Simone Piazzolla took the audience prize and deserved better. 1st prize went to the Russian soprano Aida Garifullina 2nd was the French soprano Julie Fuchs 3rd was the Italian baritone, Simone Piazzola

UPDATE: Los Angeles Opera, where Domingo is artistic director, has helpfully posted the following: Our own Ben Bliss and Hae Ji Chang won the Zarzuela prize at today’s Operalia competition, while Tracy Cox, Soprano shared the Wagner prize with Claudia Huckle. Congratulations to them as well as 1st Prize winners Aida Garifullina and Ao Li, 2nd Prize winners Julie Fuchs and Simone Piazzola, and 3rd Prize winners Kathryn Lewek and Zach Borchevsky. Also, our incoming Domingo-Colburn-Stein tenor, Vladimir Dmitruk, took the Culturarte Prize, and the audience awards went to Ms. Lewek and Mr. Piazzola.

2013 多明戈国际歌剧声乐比赛决赛 2013.8.25 20:00 《2013年多明戈世界歌剧声乐大赛决赛》第一名:俄罗斯女高音Aida Garifullina、中国低男中音李鳌。第二名法国女高音Julie Fuchs、意大利男中音Simone Piazzolla第三名:美国男高音Zach Borichevsky、美国女高音Kathryn Lewek.最受观众欢迎奖为意大利的男中音Simone Piazzola和美国女高音 Kathryn Lewek。