法国薰衣草2014-01-19 18:01:34

Originally broadcast in 1984 over New York's WNET/Thirteen on "Great Performances," as part of the "Dance in America" series Baryshnikov Dances Sinatra and More... film. Mikhail Baryshnikov, along with members of American Ballet Theatre, dance three works choreographed by Twyla Tharp: "The Little Ballet," "Sinatra Suite," and "Push Comes to Shove."

Baryshnikov and dancers of the American Ballet Theatre perform in three ballets bringing Mikhail's technique to new levels and giving him his first opportunity to explore humor in performance.

There are a combining inserts, "ballet from A to Z", where Mikhail Baryshnikov talking about dance terms and what important that's beyond technique.
弓尒2014-01-19 20:36:27
弓尒2014-01-19 20:38:16
【 抱貂女子 Lady wiht an Ermine -- 达·芬奇 的 珍奇小品 】 - 偶然翻到 草班 2年前的 命题 铁~
小得2014-01-19 21:06:24
法国薰衣草2014-01-19 22:16:08
回复:【 抱貂女子 Lady wiht an Ermine -- 达·芬奇 的 珍奇小品 】 - 偶然翻到 草班 2年前的 命题
法国薰衣草2014-01-19 22:26:07
When the body and mind trained and tuned everyday by music, tha
弓尒2014-01-19 22:34:22
where, how, show us the pix
片片红叶2014-01-19 23:50:37
法国薰衣草 2014-01-20 09:03:25
回复:where, how, show us the pix
法国薰衣草2014-01-20 09:08:54
A is a Altitude...读懂芭蕾也不容易, 谢谢红叶, 新周愉快!
法国薰衣草 2014-01-20 09:20:36
回复:回复:where, how, show us the pix