sunshine13142014-04-04 13:41:23

90后牙科小医生yunfei超强翻唱《Home》 这才是真正的中国好声音 ! ! !

帅老外中英双语唱陈奕迅经典 Long Time No See--好久不见

sunshine13142014-04-04 13:42:48
祝愿要回国的小伙伴们旅途愉快, 一路平安! 祝快递朋友们周末快乐~~~
路边群众2014-04-04 16:57:15
spring2005-2014-04-04 21:43:15
sunshine13142014-04-05 01:13:37
Hehehe, It is ture ! ! Maybe he is ABC~~~
sunshine13142014-04-05 01:19:26
春天里来百花香~~~ 谢谢春天MM欣赏, 周末快乐~ ღ ~
片片红叶2014-04-05 03:08:30
sunshine13142014-04-05 03:53:48
谢谢红叶欣赏~ღ~ Life is Music! 梦中有歌, 歌中有梦 ! 周末快乐~~~
yy8882014-04-05 14:48:14
Home,哪里是我的网络home。Long time no see,long time no see。。。
sunshine13142014-04-06 17:53:31
Thanks a lot and have fun :)))