法国薰衣草2014-10-28 18:10:20

Alexander Gavrylyuk
(born in Kharkiv, 1984) is a Ukrainian pianist, and a naturalised Australian citizen. He won the 1999 Vladimir Horowitz Competition, the 2000 Hamamatsu Competition and, most notably, the 2005 Arthur Rubinstein Competition.

好久没听这么 好听Bach, 特别喜欢他弹的从3:33开始, 喜欢巴赫音乐, 也是喜欢巴赫音乐中的静止美 beauty of stillness. 好像。

spring2005-2014-10-29 03:17:35
sunshine13142014-10-29 13:13:07
Nice----Beauty of stillness, but have emotion!
片片红叶2014-10-30 21:40:46
Nice----beautiful moments of inner peace and stillness!
o,dear2014-11-05 23:19:08
法国薰衣草2014-11-07 23:50:51
谢谢春天,阳光, 红叶, o,dear- 可不可以说,German Romantism从巴赫就开始了呢?周末愉快!
法国薰衣草2014-11-07 23:52:43
甚至从Martin Luther就开始了呢?