肯老的2015-11-02 19:11:54




【專輯名稱】:Bajofondo Tango Club
【專輯風格】:Electrotango/ Argentine tango/ trip-hop/ drum and bass/ chill-out
【音樂廠牌】:Vibra Records


Bajofondo is a Río de la Plata-based music band consisting of eight musicians from Argentina and Uruguay, which aims to create a more contemporary version of tango and other musical styles of the Río de la Plata region. It was founded in the early 2000’s as a studio experiment, which culminated into the successful album Bajofondo Tango Club. This led to touring and eventually to the current lineup. Bajofondo calls itself a collaborative as all members have solo careers as well. The group has toured around the world, particularly in Latin America, the United States, Europe and parts of Asia. Their music is known to a wider audience than those who know their name as their music has been used in film and television.

The name alludes to the river that separates Argentina and Uruguay politically but unites the area as a region, called Rio de la Plata. The music has been called “electrotango” or “electronic tango” but leader Gustavo Santaolalla does not believe that it sufficiently describes the group’s sound, stating there is more than that. Tango is an influence but it not the band’s style.

The Argentine-Uruguayan influence is more than just tango, and includes murga, milonga and candombe. The idea of the group is to take these traditional styles and create something more contemporary, with elements from rock, hip hop, jazz and electronic music, especially sampling.

Bajofondo Tango Club is an electronica music album by Bajofondo Tango Club (now simply Bajofondo) released in 2002 by Vibra Records. It is considered to be an eclectic mix of French house, Argentine tango, trip-hop, drum and bass and chill-out.

Bajofondo原名Bajofondo Tango Club,是一個南美的Tango樂團,8名成員分別來自阿根廷以及烏拉圭。樂隊成立於2002 年,出版第一張同名專輯並且立即大賣,拿下阿根廷的白金銷量,2003年該專輯獲得阿根廷最具威望的音樂獎項—Premio Gardel(為紀念Carlos Gardel而成立的音樂獎項)的最佳電子音樂專輯獎,隨後又獲得拉丁格萊美最佳流行樂器演奏獎。他們的第二張專輯《Bajofondo Tango Club: presenting Supervielle》於2005年發布,獲得當年的MTV音樂大獎的幾項提名。 2006年,樂隊靈魂人物同時也是著名的電影配樂大師Gustavo Santaolalla因《斷背山》的配樂獲得金球獎及奧斯卡最佳歌曲及最佳原創音樂獎,2007年他再次以電影《Babel》的配樂摘得奧斯卡。 2008年,樂隊發表了他們的第三張專輯《Mar Dulce》,獲得廣泛好評。

Bajofondo的音樂結合了Tango以及House、Trance、Hip Hop、Dub等不同風格,將現代的舞曲節奏融入阿根廷的傳統Tango,既有創新也有取材傳統,呈現出新世紀充滿時尚風的電音Tango。


01. Monserrat
02. En mí Soledad
03. Los Tangueros
04. Mi Corazón
05. Maroma
06. Perfume
07. Vacío
08. Esperándote
09. Naranjo en Flor
10. Bruma
11. Exodo II
12. Duro y Parejo
13. Forma
14. El sonido de la Milonga
15. Avda. de Mayo
16. Ese cielo azul

----- All music copyrighted and of sampler quality please purchase original materials -----
----- 所有的音樂只是試聽音質請尊重版權購買原裝版本 -----




弓尒2015-11-02 23:35:57
Los Tangueros, 探戈迷~
肯老的2015-11-03 00:20:19
谢弓氽, 刚看完你的探戈贴, 马上想起这新泒的电音综合体Tango:-}
肯老的2015-11-03 00:23:58
谢弓尒, 刚看完你的探戈贴后, 马上想起这新泒的电音综合体Tango乐团:-)
高梅2015-11-03 02:54:41
弓尒2015-11-03 03:04:26
失去了 土朴的原味,,
高梅2015-11-03 03:07:32
肯老的2015-11-03 03:31:16
凡所谓跨界音乐, 包括古典乐等, 都会给人不纯的感觉.......
高梅2015-11-03 03:37:18
弓尒2015-11-03 04:57:49
是的,一种新创, 不同于传统 正统的, newage 94 1个。
夏日怡心2015-11-03 22:52:33
郑美元2015-11-04 21:00:45