夏日怡心2015-12-06 14:38:11

The singers of Libera who are aged seven to sixteen attend many different local schools in South London and come from a variety of backgrounds. Although they are boys and they sing, they do not think of themselves as choirboys, but rather as an alternative kind of boy band.

While the unique sound of Libera may be impossible to pigeonhole, its universal appeal has endeared the group to fans all over the world, particularly in the US, the UK, the Philippines, South Korea and Japan, where their CDs top the mainstream and classical charts and where they pack concert halls appearing in their trademark flowing white robes on imaginatively lit stages.








华灜2015-12-06 15:54:15
哇,多么天真纯朴宁静的天籁Libera啊~ 点赞!谢谢怡心老师预早为节日的季节带来一片温馨祥和:))
3333333382015-12-06 16:29:07
The music they produce is truly sounds to lift the soul. With sh
夏日怡心2015-12-06 17:29:39
谢谢华瀛,童声真是天籁之声,音质纯净清澈。Christmas holidays are coming, yeah! :)
夏日怡心2015-12-06 17:30:34
Cannot agree more.
KkQq2015-12-06 22:29:59
肯老的2015-12-07 00:31:46
夏日怡心2015-12-07 00:34:47
夏日怡心2015-12-07 00:35:23
Agree. :)
insight4442015-12-07 18:33:34
百荷玫2015-12-07 19:21:50
纯净的童声, 节日里聆听最合适不过, 谢谢分享~~