法国薰衣草2017-02-20 10:32:56


一个小村庄,人们的生活都依赖于一头奶牛。它是由主人哈桑和村民一起抚育的。当哈桑离开村庄时牛却神秘死去,当地人非常惊愕,大家决定跟哈桑说他的牛跑掉了。哈桑悲痛难当,渐渐开始相信自己就是那头牛。(movie mytime)


Dariush Mehrju'i (Persian?????? ??????? ‎‎, born on 8 December 1939 in Tehran, also spelled as MehrjuiMehrjoui, and Mehrjuyi) is an Iranian directorscreenwriterproducerfilm editor and a member of the Iranian Academy of the Arts.[3]

Mehrjui was a founding member of the Iranian New Wave movement of the early 1970s. His second film, Gaav, is considered to be the first film of this movement, which also included Masoud Kimiai and Nasser Taqvai. Most of his films are inspired by literature and adapted from Iranian and foreign novels and plays.