肯老的2018-03-02 00:25:03


[專輯名稱]:《西班牙天使》Spanish Angel
[音樂藝人]:Paul Winter Consort
[音樂品牌]:Living Music


Paul Winter(保羅.溫特)生於1939年8月31日,出生地是美國的賓夕韋尼亞州的奧爾托納(Altoona)。中音薩克斯手溫特所謂的“地球音樂”是由古典、爵士、民樂和自然聲響的混合。在成為薩克斯手前,溫特剛開始學的是鼓、鋼琴和單簧管。他17歲時四處遊歷,在一些小劇團的樂隊參加演出。在芝加哥的西北大學求學時,溫特組建了一支爵士六重奏樂團,並在1961年度校際爵士樂節上獲獎,也因此獲得約翰·小哈蒙德(John Hammond Jnr.)的青睞,將這個組合簽入哥倫比亞唱片公司旗下。他們作為第一支正式在白宮演出的爵士樂隊後,在美國政府的安排下,樂隊在1962年到南美洲進行了為期6個月的巡迴演出。這次巡迴演出“完全打破了我們過去對世界的認識”,並受到途中接觸到的音樂的影響,這支六重奏樂隊逐漸放棄了傳統的爵士音樂模式,在1967年組建成保羅·溫特合奏團,它使用全新的樂器組合——古典吉他、英國號、大提琴和非洲式巴西打擊樂器。

儘管幾經人事變遷,合奏團的這種將爵士、古典和民族器樂融合的風格延遲了多年不變。在當時很難說清他們究竟做的是什麼音樂,屬於什麼分類。溫特現在把它視為“對美國音樂起源——歐洲音樂和非洲音樂——融合的慶典”。諸多天才音樂家曾經是這個樂團的成員——其中包括西塔琴及鼓手柯林·瓦科特(Collin Walcott),黑管手保羅·麥克坎德萊斯(Paul McCandless),大提琴手大衛·達林(David Darling),吉他手拉爾夫·湯納(Ralph Towner)。由喬治·馬丁(George Martin,Beatles的製作人兼創作人)創作,樂團1972年發行的《伊卡洛斯》(Icarus)被作曲家本人稱為“自己做過的最好的專輯”。七十年代,溫特越來越關心環保,成為一名積極的綠色和平組織成員。 1976年他建立了生態音樂基金會(Living Music Foundation),用於“探究和實現以音樂喚起大眾對於精神健康以及對野生動物及環境保護的自覺的方法”。隔年他發行了名為《共同點》(Common Ground)的專輯。

三年後他建立了生態音樂唱片公司(Living Music Records),並籍此進一步拓展其生態音樂的視野。這一廠牌的第一張專輯《呼喚》(Calling)是對海洋的禮讚。他的第一張獨奏專輯《峽谷搖籃曲》(Canyon Lullaby)是在大峽谷現場錄製的,1999年發行的《Celtic Solstice》,以紐約的聖約翰大教堂為題材,進行環境音樂創作,還成為Paul Winter第三度獲頒葛萊美獎的得獎作品。溫特也因為對環保工作的貢獻獲得了包括美國區域的“全球500佳”(即現在的地球衛士獎)等眾多榮譽。


This album represents a number of Paul Winter Consort milestones. It is the first - and only - album recorded while the Consort had been on tour, throughout Spain in 1992. It was also the first Grammy-winning album for the Consort. And, perhaps most important of all, it was the farewell album for Rhonda Larson, the long-time flautist with the Consort. And what a send-off it was!

Two of the tracks were written for, and feature, Ms. Larson: "Montana," depicting the mountain meadows of her birthplace, and "Fare Well," as a send-off tribute for the start of her solo career. That she is a brilliant instrumentalist is without question. (Her major post-Consort album - "Free As A Bird" - can be found elsewhere at Amazon.com. If "Spanish Angel" whets your appetite for more of Ms. Larson, there is probably no better place to start.)

Eugene Friesen and Paul Halley have raised "duo" improvisation to a high art. "Almería Duet" is one of the very best of their joint efforts. One can only marvel at the psychic connection that must be required for this type of improvisation to work, and work it does: Eugene really smokes on this track! (I find it interesting that, years later, Yo-Yo Ma, Edgar Meyer and Mark O'Connor were to travel down a similar path. For those who have had the pleasure of listening to Meyer's "First Impressions" on their Appalchia Waltz album, this connection will be obvious.)

The lead-in above refers to "Music for a Sunday Night in Salamanca" (one of the tour venues), and, for me, the clear highlight of the album. It is indeed richly atmospheric, with the sense of heavily-laden air at dusk. The locale-capturing timbres that Paul Winter manages to coax out of what is in reality a small group of musicians have seldom been realized to such good effect as they are here.---Bob Zeidler


01. Fare Well
02. Spanish Angel
03. Suite from "The Man Who Planted Trees"
04. Oak Theme/Todo Mundo
05. Winter's Dream
06. River Run
07. Almeria Duet
08. Montana
09. Music for a Sunday Night in Salamanca
10. Appalachian Morning
11. Dancing Particles
12. Blues for Cadiz

----- All music copyrighted and of sampler quality please purchase original materials -----
----- 所有的音樂只是試聽音質請尊重版權購買原裝版本 -----

看海阔天空2018-03-02 20:49:11
肯老的2018-03-03 16:17:05
这合奏团, 屡获奖项值得介绍~