【專輯藝人】: Peter Gabriel (彼得·蓋布瑞爾)
【專輯名稱】: Passion- Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ《基督最后的诱惑》
【發行日期】: 5 June 1989
【唱片公司】: Geffen (US & Canada), Virgin, Real World
【專輯類型】: New-age, world, Soundtrack, Tribal, Ambient
彼得·蓋布瑞爾(英語:Peter Gabriel)是英國音樂家。從前衛搖滾樂隊創世紀樂團(Genesis band) 的主唱開始走紅,並在離團後有著成功的單飛生涯。他1987年發行的專輯,So,在商業上取得了巨大的成功。其中的大熱歌曲 "Sledgehammer"在1987 MTV Video Music Awards上獲得了9個MTV獎項的記錄。他甚至開始進行電影配樂的多方嘗試。 1984年開始,他首次擔任電影配樂專輯的製作人,作品《再看我一眼》(Against All Odds)真的是叫好又叫座,Phil Collins深情主唱主題曲《Against All Odds》大受樂迷歡迎,這固然是專輯成功之關鍵,而Peter Gabriel的製作功力也功不可沒。 1985年的《鳥人》(Birdy)、1989年的《基督最後的誘惑》(The Last Temptation of Christ)兩張創作作品,以及晚近1998年的《天使之城》(City of Angels)等製作,在在都顯露出他在搖滾樂音樂表演創作之外的才華。
1983年,他主辦《音樂、藝術與舞蹈的世界節慶》(WOMAD─World of Music, Arts, and Dance Festival),為了籌設財源,他與Genesis時期的老夥伴進行一次復合的演出;在Gabriel的大力推動之下,WOMAD節慶成為世界音樂的年度盛事,並且曾經數度發行紀念專輯。例如在《WOMAD:An Introduction to World Music-Vol.1》專輯中,來自於印尼巴里島(Bali)、巴基斯坦、愛爾蘭(Willie Clancy)與南美哥倫比亞(Toto La Momposina)等地的藝人齊聚一堂,為當時方興未艾的世界音樂形式,留下一筆特別的紀錄。 1993年後,Gabriel帶領著澳洲的《斗室樂團》(the Crowded House)、英國曼徹斯特的James合唱團、以及作風向來特立獨行的愛爾蘭光頭女歌手辛.歐康納(Sinead O`Connor)等人在美國境內進行WOMAD的巡迴演出。順道一提,據說辛.歐康納是Gabriel於九○年代初離婚後,再度覓得的愛侶。 1996年,WOMAD到意大利威尼斯舉行音樂嘉年華會,也發行了《WOMAD Live at the Carnival of Venice》這張專輯,顯示Gabriel為世界音樂樂界所付出的努力與貢獻。
1986年與1988年,他分別參與了兩個由國際人權協會(Amnesty International)所主辦的世界巡迴演出,其它參與者還有英國的Sting、加拿大的Bryan Adams、以及愛爾蘭的U2合唱團、美國的Bruce Springsteen與Tracy Chapman等人。約略在參加世界人權巡迴慈善演唱會的同時,Peter Gabriel開始著手進行世界音樂的創作,並且成立了Real World。他所自創的Real World唱片公司,經營得有聲有色,他正負責執行公司的許多媒體計劃,這也是他在WOMAD音樂節之外,最積極實際的努力。
Passion (re-released as Passion: Music for The Last Temptation of Christ) is an album released in 1989 by the English rock musician Peter Gabriel. It was the first Peter Gabriel album to be released on Real World Records. It is his second soundtrack and eighth album overall. It was originally composed as the soundtrack album for the film The Last Temptation of Christ, but Gabriel spent several months after the film's release further developing the music, finally releasing it as a full-fledged album instead of a movie soundtrack. It is seen as a landmark in the popularisation of world music, and won a Grammy Award for Best New Age Album in 1990. It was remastered with most of Gabriel's catalogue in 2002.
To call Passion a pivotal recording in the development of world music would be a significant understatement. What makes Passion so undeniably important is its global reach and expert handling of what could've easily become polyglot babble. Vocalists Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Youssou N'Dour, and Baaba Maal bring strong Middle Eastern and African voices to the project, and Balkan textures come via the ney flute and doudouk. But Gabriel is the glue, offering electronic ambient flows between the multiple streams. Gabriel also brings something even less tangible: an awesome visual imagination that takes often seamless sounds and makes them impress the listener with picturelike colors and phrasing. This is, however, far more than an ambient global mix. The intertwined rhythms stand out, both on their own and as brushstrokes on a larger canvas. Never mind that Passion helped launch North American careers for N'Dour and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan--this is a stellar musical achievement by any standard. --Andrew Bartlett
1. The Feeling Begins
2. Gethsemane
3. Of These, Hope
4. Lazarus Raised
5. Of These, Hope (reprise)
6. In Doubt
7. A Different Drum
8. The Zaar
9. Troubled
10. Open
11. Before Night Falls
12. With this Love
13. Sandstorm
14. Stigmata
15. Passion
16. With this Love
17. Wall of Breath
18. Promise of Shadows
19. Disturbed
20. It is Accomplished
21. Bread and Wine
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