肯老的2018-04-26 15:09:48

【專輯名稱】: Yundi Li - Chopin.Liszt.Piano Concerto No. 1《李云迪演奏李斯特與肖邦第一鋼琴協奏曲》
【專輯藝人】: 李云迪
【專輯作曲】: 肖邦, 李斯特
【專輯協奏】: 愛樂樂團
【專輯指揮】: 安德魯·戴維斯爵士
【發行日期】: 2007年
【唱片公司】: Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft
【專輯類型】: Piano, Classical



他的演奏無懈可擊,技巧完美,讓人們想到了波里尼(1960年肖邦鋼琴比賽的獲獎者),正是波里尼的演奏當年讓魯賓斯坦如此感言道. “從技巧層面上來說,他比我們在座的都要好。”當我聽李云迪那令人生畏的技巧表現時,魯賓斯坦這句話就迴響在我的耳畔,因為李云迪指下的幾乎每一個音符都做到了鑽石般的完美。不信的話可以聽聽他彈的李斯特協奏曲的開始部分,或者肖邦協奏曲的尾聲:光輝燦爛,咄咄逼人。沒錯,有的時候李云迪的彈性速度的確顯得有些見棱見角,過於冷靜(完全不像有著王者風範的魯賓斯坦那??樣充滿音樂性地呼吸).比如肖邦協奏曲第一樂章的10分45秒處,但是他確確實實準確地控制著樂曲的每一步發展。也許我們能夠找到更為虛張聲勢、控制更為準確的李斯特協奏曲;抑或某位年長的鋼琴家演奏的更加彬彬有禮。

Yundi Li plays the repertoire for which he is so highly acclaimed – Chopin and Liszt – with recordings of the two most popular works from Romantic concerto repertoire. The message is simple: highly emotional, popular music played by a young master. Yundi Li is a poetic player with a sensitive touch (but also ample power when he needs it), as well as an ear for textural clarity and an impeccable sense of line. For his first concerto recording, Yundi Li collaborates with the Philharmonia Orchestra, one of the world's great orchestras with an extraordinary recording legacy, and Sir Andrew Davis, who is one of Britain's leading conductors and famous for his regular appearances at The Last Night of the Proms.


01. Liszt - Piano Concertos no. 1 - 1. Allegro maestoso
02. Liszt - Piano Concertos no. 1 - 2. Quasi adagio
03. Liszt - Piano Concertos no. 1 - 3. Allegretto vivace
04. Liszt - Piano Concertos no. 1 - 4. Allegro marziale animato
05. Chopin - Piano Concertos no. 1 - 1. Allegro maestoso
06. Chopin - Piano Concertos no. 1 - 2. Romanze. Larghetto
07. Chopin - Piano Concertos no. 1 - 3. Rondo. Vivace

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