dindindon2019-11-03 15:52:08


Claudia Yang Piano Concerto "Dream of The Red Chamber" 第一和第二乐章

Piano Concerto Dream of The Red Chamber:1st & 2nd movt ( World Premiere Sept 22, 2014 Beijing )

Claudia Yang

The Piano Concerto "Dream of the Red Chamber" was composed by Yang herself and Hungarian composer Gyula Fekete. It was completed in 2014 and has been performed in and outside of China. Yang later improved the arrangement of the piece and the new version was debuted in her hometown Malaysia, where she jointly performed it with China National Symphony Orchestra under the baton of renowned conductor Tang Muhai.http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-07/22/c_138248081.htm


Claudia Yang plays Dream of The Red Chamber Piano Concerto [ 2018 Version ]

Live Concert Dream of The Red Chamber Piano Concerto ( 2018 Version ) composed by Gyula Fekete and Claudia Yang at Moscow Rachmaninoff Hall performed by Claudia Yang + Muhai Tang + Harbin Symphony Orchestra, 24 March 2019.
