赫伯特·馮·卡拉揚 (Herbert von Karajan) 戰後與德意志留聲機 (Deutsche Grammophon) 合作的首張專輯是 1959 年經典的 Ein Heldenleben 錄音,並配以 1972/73 年對 Till Eulenspiegel 的炙手可熱記錄。 除了卡拉揚本人,其中一位明星是小提琴家米歇爾·施瓦爾貝 (Michel Schwalbé) ,他於 1957 年成為柏林愛樂樂團的管弦樂隊指揮。根據留聲機評論家德里克·庫克 (Deryck Cooke) 的說法,卡拉揚的表演具有火力和廣泛的影響力,“令人驚訝的是,並不誇張,而是真正高尚的演出。”
The performance, itself, is full of color, vitality and all the sheer beauty that one usually associates with the music of Richard Strauss. Karajan has recorded this piece several times and the present one is, by far, the best. The coupling is Strauss' equally entertaining "Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche." The recording was done in the 70s and is wonderfully played. The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra is in fine form and there are no complaints about Karajan's approach.