≠paleink2005-03-23 01:14:19
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        ◇ ∽月阑∽◇ By≠paleink 滑翔的月拥着海轻轻地漾 摇摇的风揽着朗朗的诵 走近 海里的月影正聚散 亭亭的立 盈盈如水的你, 溶入我恍惚的影 追遁 慌慌地 马不停蹄 你 若 近 若 远 飞鸟映水一掠而过 你 如风 旋即无影 云层跳跃的脉搏连起海颤动的呼吸 飞扬起伏 寒意浓浓 停落我颤抖的肩 凝成冰 席卷一身的伤心透骨 这扑朔的一瞬 如梦如幻 幽蓝的月夜 尚在 潮起潮落 忘返的螺 牵住欲漂洋过海的 魂 唯一的渡口 今生的盟约 是我渡不过的牵肠挂心 我耳旁是你融化的心语 轻轻地拂 我幻山变水的诗句 散开在你飞絮一般的吟 抑扬 我呈给你的心 凝听 汹涌鼓荡 如影相随是我的回音 忘我的笔墨 漫漫地飘去 洒落生命的痕迹 浓浓淡淡飘摇 刻在星芒上的许愿 是我赠你的诗篇 水晶的心情 在清澈的天空里 开成勿忘我的形状 在脉脉星河里跳动 旧时的梦 挂满寂寂的月桂树稍 岁月悠悠 月光水流 淹没青春的感动 [The Tell-Tale of the Moon] Sliding moon embraces the sea, Swinging Dancing wind cradles the gliding chants, Coming near Moon shadow, pairing and parting, out of the sea Delicate You stand, gleaming-eyes as glittering water Into my dreamy shadow; A scatter of unceasing hoof-taps, I pursue quick You, a sort of walking shadow Near slides into vague, over in a flash. Flying birds flicker through the surf- water, with their own images on; You, disappear as a spindrift of wind; The throbbing pulse of the cloud links to the pulsing breathe of the ocean,
        Flaring to span. The whiff of the chill immensity Perching my trembling shoulders Frozen into ice Blasts a ring of piercing coldness, in despair This flash of glimpse As a dream an illusion carries Even though Moon in her blue phantom Is still around me Ebb and flow, the wave revolve A seashell still stays, forgetting return Grasping the wavering soul of flinging across the sea: At fleeing or staying? The exclusive dock Of my obsessed concerns is our sealed fate; Your melting whispers are Immersed in my ear, caressing softly, My unrolling verses Stroll in the orbits of your rhythmic voice, Flaring in a flake of willows Absorbent, my heart into you telling, The sea – poured surging and swelling; Following you with wing of eternal Is my echo; Disorienting inkdrops lost themselves, hanging in the spirit Dip and deepen into the trace of life Heavy flowing along light, revolving in loops. Wishes clung scrupulously upon the shooting stars, mine, Are the poems of mine bestowed for you Crystal mood in liquid sky Opening like the body of Forget-Me-Not Pulses in the milk of stars ——beneath the magnetic eye Dreams of all yesterdays Hang upon solitude of Laurel, The year flickers on the moonlight Of flowing water The passionate youth Drowns within

kaya2005-03-23 01:44:38
Nothing too good !! Enjoy!
小孩6272005-03-23 03:29:54
≠paleink : 感谢你的好帖子~ 和你的好诗~
家中有儿2005-03-23 04:28:59
nes2005-03-23 16:41:59
春天的童话2005-03-23 23:05:45
二月2005-03-24 07:19:06