【Spanish Guitar】--Toni Braxton
2005-04-21 16:08:34
2005-04-21 16:08:34
【Spanish Guitar】--Toni Braxton
A smoky room, a small cafe
They come to hear you play
And drink and dance the night away
I sit out in the crowd
And close my eyes
Dream you're mine
But you don't know
You don't even know that I am there
I wish that I was in your arms
Like that Spanish guitar
And you would play me through the night
'Till the dawn
I wish you'd hold me in your arms
Like that Spanish guitar
All night long, all night long
I'd be your song, I'd be your song
Steal my heart with every note you play
I pray you'll look my way
And hold me to your heart someday
I long to be the one that you caress with
And you don't know
You don't even know that I exist
I wish that I was in your arms
Like that Spanish guitar
And you would play me through the night
'Till the dawn
I wish you'd hold me in your arms
Like that Spanish guitar
All night long, all night long
I'd be your song, I'd be your song
Te sientas entre la gente
Cierras tu ojos
Y suenas que soy tuyo
Pero yo no siquiera se que estas ahi
Me gustaria tenerte entre mis brazos amor
I sit out in the crowd
And close my eyes
Dream you're mine
And you don't know
You don't even know that I exist
I wish that I was in your arms
Like that Spanish guitar
And you would play me through the night
'Till the dawn
I wish you'd hold me in your arms
Like that Spanish guitar
All night long, all night long
I'd be your song, I'd be your song
2005-04-22 02:45:06
Toni Braxton - one of my favor
评书~~ 2005-04-21 15:59:41
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twc 2005-04-21 15:57:48
fairy 2005-04-21 14:09:57
How to search and download ?
snowbird 2005-04-21 13:45:32
来自 多伦多 的一首“邓丽君“ 翻唱
梦一生 2005-04-21 12:04:05
谢谢下面朋友捧场,再来首洛宾危廉斯sth beautiful
司马光砸缸 2005-04-21 12:03:40
不知道成不成功 2005-04-21 09:39:47
心如刀割 -- 一丘作品欣赏(2)
一丘FANS 2005-04-21 07:35:39
顶级FLASH作品欣赏 -- 一丘的
一丘FANS 2005-04-21 07:21:05
invalid content removed
fairy 2005-04-21 06:02:38
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