落花娴情2005-05-03 12:56:11


Atlantic Seagull

Arctic Tern Hovering by Brian Matthews

Attack by Vadim Onishchenko

A beautiful day at the beach by jerry beecham

Cattle Egret - Fly by Vadim Onishchenko

Crane by Vadim Onishchenko

Crows at Devil's Dyke, South Downs by Tommy Martin

Bald Eagle in Flight by John Lund

El condor by John Belmer

El Condor Pasa by John Belmer

Eldorado by Vadim Onishchenko

Envy by jerry beecham

by Vadim Onishchenko

by Vadim Onishchenko

by Carlos Castillejos

Flying by Antonio Araujo

Colorado: Monte Vista: National Wildlife Refuge by Fred J. Lord

The Four Pelicans by Vadim Onishchenko

Griffon Vulture

Ring-billed Gull in flight by Terry Sohl

Florida Heron by Thomas E. Leonard II

The Hunting Party Osprey - McCall Idaho by Rock Scott


Late Flight by Stephen Lau

Mallard by Mike Neale

Mallards in Flight by Mike Neale

One bird by ilkka raesaenen

Osprey by A Hallam

Seagull by Christian Roeschert

Seagull In Flight by Thomas E. Leonard II

Seagull at Jones Beach for the NY Air Show.. we call her the F-13 Seagull by Norman Perkel

seagull by Tommy Martin

shot in Colorado by glen gaffney

Short-eared Owl Flight by Terry Sohl

Three birds by ilkka raeisaenen

Travelling by Per Harald Olsen

Turkey Vulture on the wing by Terry Sohl

Watching over me by Scott Hayne

White... by Francesco Martini

Ciconia ciconia, White Stork by ilkka raesaenen

White Stork - Ciconia ciconia by Vadim Onishchenko

From the Wild Blue Yonder by Jos Van Poederooyen

白鹭飞2005-05-03 13:05:07
月,你真行,从哪里搞来这么多漂亮的飞翔图片?收下了, 谢谢!
nes2005-05-03 15:04:49
Wow, 我要展翅飞翔!:))
3Qthanks2005-05-03 15:58:31
name, link? If any ,thanks
新网2005-05-03 16:49:49
Wow, very impressive!
花谢2005-05-03 18:26:17
氷点2005-05-03 18:27:42
梦一生2005-05-03 21:27:40
春天的童话2005-05-03 21:56:28
fairy2005-05-03 22:35:21
so beautiful,speechless
Sweetlife2005-05-04 03:58:34
Picture and music are great!!
长枫2005-05-04 10:13:13
新客2005-05-04 14:21:49
邵俊可2005-05-05 01:56:14
歌也好听2005-05-05 02:38:37