枫林晓2022-02-04 06:15:22


Time flies by


Cherish it baby, don't let it go all vain

Let the sunshine wake me up

That morning when we were young and free

Summer is calling, but we both are blind

Blindly love on the lake shore bench

Time flies by

And we are there no more


Cherish it baby, don't let it go all vain

Love me like we will part tonight

Love me like the first time you are in love

Summer is calling, but let us be blind

Love is blind, so luckily blind.

Time flies by 

And we are there no more




妖妖灵2022-02-04 07:12:07
疏影笑寒2022-02-04 11:37:01
美 大赞大赞!
移花接木2022-02-04 15:15:06
三天一首明显是小看疯老师了, 疯起来一天一首都打不住啊, 我也有同感,如果减少某个感官,会更专注与剩余的,也许能够得到更多的信息
枫林晓2022-02-04 16:05:19
安卓手机2022-02-04 16:50:42
妖妖灵2022-02-04 16:56:48