色大胆小2018-06-13 17:23:23

A housekeeper found Spade dead in her Manhattan apartment on June 5, 2018. Her death was ruled a suicide by hanging.[24] Police reported she had left a note addressed to her daughter.[25] The day after his wife's death, Andy Spade released a statement regarding her depression and anxiety.[26] The flagship Kate Spade New York store, in Manhattan, displayed a sign in its front window in her memory.[27]

布哈林2018-06-13 17:25:18
听说是为情所困, 古人云:问世间情为何物 直教人生死相许
色大胆小2018-06-13 17:30:06
56 岁,荷尔蒙不该再那么旺盛了吧。就接过一次婚,在美国她那个圈子里也算模范婚姻
早晨从中午开始2018-06-13 20:09:08
CRUSH2018-06-13 21:28:28