北美汤哥2022-01-27 22:47:42

2021年的儿童节前夕,中国突然放开了三胎的政策,当时我写了一篇文章“China opens up for third child“,很直接的表明我的观点:“If I had to mention a policy in China which I didn’t like the most, that would be ‘one child policy’. It’s great to know it has been changed, since 2015 they switched to 2 child policy instead, and today finally they allow to have the third child for one family, even it is kind of late, but still ‘better late than never’. “

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ca20042022-01-28 08:09:55
mikecwu2022-01-28 19:13:45
三河匹夫2022-01-28 20:46:34
人口绝对减少等国家,没有经济再上层楼的戏了,日本 20 多年已经证明。
sdzwj2022-01-28 21:11:02