因为写下了“YES", 医生在手术之前给我打个电话。在电话里,我告诉她,如果肿瘤离血管太大的话,不用太aggressive去把肿瘤全都拿下去,免得弄破大血管,可以留下一点,只要保证她能活着下手术台。我想医生可能听到了我的担心。对我说,他不能保证任何东西,不如让我再试试其他的办法。他在早上的时候刚刚跟本院的radiation oncologist 讨论了一下,看看警花是不是他们医院新技术stereotactic radiation therapy 的candidate. After discussing with the surgeon and looking at the recent CT scan, the radiation oncologist believed she is a good candidate for this specific treatment. This is a new technology for human recently used in veterinary service. This is a relatively new treatment for veterinary hospital. Compare to open surgery, it is minimal invasive. If after discussing with the radiation oncologist,I still decided to go with surgery, the surgeon promised a spot on Wednesday. She said, look, if you don't like it, there is only 2 days difference. Why not think about it and let me know. To be continued..