cheerfulcats2009-05-05 00:44:59
Saw this artical over the website, copying it as below:

Food can tragedy

Squash your empty food cans and you may be saving a life!

People involved with animals, including the SPCA, are requesting you wash and squash empty food cans for the recycle bin.

What can happen?

Cats are inquisitive animals especially around food. Cat gets its head in the can looking for food, and then the can gets stuck on the cat’s head.

If the lid is partly attached, the cat will not be able to reverse out of the can. So cat remains stuck, dehydrating. Then flies get in and the cat cannot remove them. We leave the rest to your imagination.

What can you do if you find and animal in this position?

The SPCA recommends that a thick towel is put around the animal to protect it scratching. If the tin cannot be gently removed (in the case of the lid being left on DO NOT try to remove) take the cat to the nearest vet. The can will have to be cut off.

hjsdhjsd2009-05-05 01:19:50
another dangerous item for cats in the household
cheerfulcats2009-05-05 02:22:53
Please in! Thanks for the explanation!
maomaochiu2009-05-05 03:22:45
ohhhhhhh, that's aweful!