1. 在http://www.flickr.com上开一个account. 如果你有 Yahoo email account, 那么你会在你的Yahoo account 的左边Application 下看到Flickr 连接。
2. 进到你的http://www.flickr.com account 里。Click on the “Upload”。
3. Click on “Choose photos and videos”
4. 从你的照片folder里选择照片。
5. Click on “Upload photos and videos” button.
6. Click on “Add a description”
7. Add a title or a description and click on “Save”
8. Click on the image you just loaded, then right click to pick up the Medium 640, right click again to choose “View image info”
9. Copy the image location, for instance: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1423/5183493234_5dc4aaa848_z.jpg
10. 然后到你的宠坛那儿加新帖。Click the little green tree icon , and when a window pops up, 在图像URL 那儿paste the image location you just copied. 然后click on 插入, and then click on OK. 这就行了。