大颂2011-02-24 22:54:32

刚收到朋友的邮件.   我仅把犬舍和犬名改了.

Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 2:05:17 PM
Subject: Goodbye Saw

With many tears, we said our goodbyes to our dear Saw (international multi ch. Saw). January 24, 2002- February 22, 2011.  Saw was the foundation ***** for our Kennel.

Saw had eaten a nice dinner, only to be woken up by coyotes who tried entering the kennel (scratching on the kennel door) in the middle of the night (after the new litter of pups).  Saw did her job by barking her head off- as did everyone else here, but Saw succumbed to bloat(a classic case-she didn't help by jumping up with front paws on the door, having such a wide chest etc...) in the process.  Her voice had eakened when I realized something must be wrong- but it was too late.  So sad when they are perfectly healthy and full of life one minute and then taken the next.

The revenge came the early the next day when Mei and Ba took off through the back woods, across the frozen river, literally to the next county and found the coyote hunters who were behind the house and shot 4 of the coyotes. The hunters thought Ba and Mei were heroes.  I was scared to death for them (they were found at destination of coyotes at dusk)- today it is back to peace and quiet.  I don't know how settlers made out here....

21882011-02-24 23:36:12
maomaochiu2011-02-25 01:47:09
SAD......I never thought coyotes can be so close, to such big do
稻穗儿2011-02-25 02:31:33
hongpurdy2011-02-25 02:50:27
大颂2011-02-25 05:56:29
第一只狗可能是被涨气涨死的. 另两只狗应该是在清晨, 从可走出式地下室的犬圏内放出后去搜寻coyotes. 没想到这两只狗
大颂2011-02-25 05:58:54
朋友做过加拿大医疗队的义工, 在青海玉树地区为藏民服务过.
何宝宝是我嘛2011-02-25 14:39:43
大颂2011-02-26 03:38:11
两只狗是早9点跑出去的, 晚7点回来的. 其中一只搜索能力很强. 猎人说周围有50~60 只coyotes, 所以下了一些套c