blackmatter2012-09-07 20:44:52
In memory of my dearest Shiloh, who died in an emergent surgery.
When the ER vets opened his belly, they found a vicious form of cancer(angiosarcoma)has spread all over the place and cause massive bleeding, and they couldn't save his life. There was no early signs except reduced eating and activity level, disregard 2 xays showed normal. It's a blow to me, i was not ready to accept, and still is heart broken 2 weeks after his death.
Shiloh had lived a short happy 9 years, i adopted him when he was 4 week old. He had a wonderful personality, never bit or grawled at anyone. He was always cheerful, even in his last days, with bleeding inside him.....
My love forever.

" target="_blank">

blackmatter2012-09-07 20:57:02
please let me know if you can't see the clip.
sac2012-09-07 21:10:46
SO sorry for your loss!!
Tonemimi2012-09-07 21:21:02
zhenzhumao2012-09-07 21:24:05
悟空的妈妈2012-09-07 21:35:10
脂肪豆2012-09-07 21:36:31
徒劳2012-09-07 21:38:50
victorwang00002012-09-07 21:40:08
unable to finish the video, too heartbroken
blackmatter2012-09-07 21:49:05
If i am ever going to adopt another dog,
blackmatter2012-09-07 21:51:06
sorry for your loss too. read your story, cried.
徒劳2012-09-07 21:54:40
good for you. but it's more of genetic instead of environmental
blackmatter2012-09-07 21:58:37
maybe you are right, he is a pure bred beagle.
脂肪豆2012-09-07 22:24:01
Churchill2012-09-07 22:27:24
徒劳2012-09-07 22:42:03
blackmatter2012-09-07 22:44:11
I am having a very hard time to accept death
脂肪豆2012-09-08 01:15:14
脂肪豆2012-09-08 01:16:20
1dog2catmom2012-09-08 01:53:53
抱抱! 节哀, 愿Shiloh在彩虹桥那边幸福!
AMEX82012-09-08 02:08:06
黑物质, 抱抱! 一直很喜欢你, 没想到你要经历这个, 人有时真是很无奈.
hz820002012-09-08 02:53:23
touched. i'm also worried about the lawn, but feel out of our co
乐蝉2012-09-08 03:13:16
看到你的真情字句, 看到Shiloh的动人照片, 不禁让我跟你一起流泪。
Rocky'sMom2012-09-08 03:45:59
hujian2012-09-08 04:50:35
中年兔子2012-09-08 10:04:01
旖旎风光2012-09-10 02:46:26
OMG! 我眼泪止不住了。。。 抱抱黑mm。。。。
blackmatter2012-09-10 23:27:11
Thank you everybody above for your support!