1. 1. They will keep Ozzy for 48 hours to unblock him. He says if unblocking is easy, he will recommend that Ozzy go to a special diet, which is expensive and will have to be maintained for several years at least. Cost will range from 747. To 827.
2. 2. Male cat’s urinary tract is smaller than females so males are more vulnerable to blockage. If unblocking is difficult, they will recommend surgery, which would involve a two week recovery when he wears a helmet to keep him from licking the sutures. Surgery involves essentially cutting off his penis, and opening him so that he urinates more or less like a girl cat. After recovery he should be good to go and if this urinary infection develops from time to time, it’s easy to treat and in most cases resolves itself. Cost of surgery is $1200-1400.
If surgery is indicated they can begin tomorrow.
真不知如何是好,该手术还是再unblock一次,下次再block,我们再手术?这是第二次block, 距离上次一个月左右。