NetMM2016-05-26 01:21:11


1) 数据没查,目测内外防守目前四个队里骑士倒数。照片是我无意当中snapped,回来一看 俄文找不到, Love站外围 护篮筐和他无关。Love 攻防太差了。

2) Raptors played a new defensive strategy in G3/G4 by not covering lebron, allowing him to hit open shots.  LBJ was struggling to shoot from outside. G4 we were yelling,"Lebron, we are not covering you any more".   and then we were yelling out loudly bullshit everytime he was sent to the free throw line.

3) The cleveland busted a gut to make a comeback in Q3..  Just not enough firepower to get it done down the stretch. - that's a red flag.

4) Coach put LBJ on-court too long ..he ran out of steam late in Q4 - another red flag

5) 支持打7场。如果雷霆5场能结束多休息几天,和皇帝拼刺刀 - 皇帝秀丽江山保不住的概率大大嘀.

6) Go Raptors!

Redcheetah2016-05-26 01:41:41