level1232016-08-09 00:29:20


RIO DE JANIERO – There were no public complaints, no nasty tweets and no screaming headlines, but the U.S. Olympic Committee quietly brought in its own “fix it” crew to take care of various problems in its building in the Rio Olympic athletes' village before the Americans moved in over the past week.

The issues ranged from plumbing work involving toilets and sinks to cleaning the apartments to dry-wall reconstruction.

“Like any Olympic Games, we always have minor issues that need to be fixed,” USOC spokesman Patrick Sandusky said Tuesday. “We bring people with us to make sure athletes have the right conditions to succeed on the field of play.”

Brennan: Americans make themselves at home in Rio


万绿丛中2016-08-09 01:14:42
老美有 handy 的传统,住到哪儿都要fix,lol
level1232016-08-09 01:43:34
dry-wall reconstruction 也太牛了。 To make sure athletes have the