Smart2017-02-01 21:09:06

I just looked at the game of Hou. Am I wrong? Yifang's last move of knight was a huge blunder, as the h pawn can be promoted b4 Hou's King can catch it. Y white got lost? 

imayazifan2017-02-01 21:30:16
No, knight can jump to f4+ and then jump to g6 to guard the h8
Smart2017-02-01 22:12:41
thanks. Did not see the knight move :)
imayazifan2017-02-01 22:43:07
明天的pairing 已经出来了,很不幸小余居文君内战
Smart2017-02-01 22:44:31
Does Yu have the chance to win the tournament?
Smart2017-02-01 22:45:24
I believe Yu is stronger.
imayazifan2017-02-02 00:57:15
Smart2017-02-02 01:33:24
i still think 居文君's luck is very good in this tournament.