imayazifan2017-09-21 18:11:12

Now what? flip a coin?

imayazifan2017-09-21 18:18:55
Wow, 话音未落,阿罗尼扬执白赢了不赢就算输的比赛,非常有种!
littel_bear2017-09-21 18:37:46
Smart2017-09-21 18:40:57
Smart2017-09-21 18:56:13
Armageddon will not have a draw; it will force to get a winner.
网上闲逛2017-09-21 23:20:27
介有嘛用,几年前还Deep Blue呢,现在国象大师连单板机都玩不过了吧?
Smart2017-09-21 23:28:58
haha, a man can no longer run agaist
网上闲逛2017-09-22 06:21:09
Smart2017-09-22 16:21:18
so human cannot calculate as computers, we can still